Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday July 16, 2011

Finally have internet access! Now I don't remember what all has happened. ha

The team finished up their week with 1013 professions of faith. That included Fiestas, Conferences, feeding 5,000 people at a food distribution and 3 nights of crusade services. It was a good week of ministry.

The team left Friday morning at 3am for the airport. I said my goodbyes about 11pm. They all seem to have made it home safely. I'm sure they were ready to be back home to their families, friends and routines.

Yesterday, we worked around the house in the morning and early afternoon to get ready for the next team. Then we went into town to buy the first round of groceries for the this coming week. It took hours to gather and pay for the items. Grocery shopping here is not a fun thing to do and is not for the faint-hearted. We then went to Suyapa restaurant for dinner. Yum! I had my usual grilled fish. I really enjoyed it!

Mike told me while we were in town that I would be leaving at 7:30am for Managua airport. I wish I would have known that earlier in the day so that I could get my chores done before bedtime. But that's okay. I rushed around and got as much done before bed that I could.

I got up early this morning and started my laundry. Mary wasn't up yet so I couldn't get into the house to get washing powder. I found some travel size Tide in my stuff, and since the washing machine is outside, I was able to throw most of my dirty clothes from last week into one large load. It finished and I hung them out on the line. I had to call Mary and wake her up so that I could get inside to clean up some work stuff in one of the bedrooms. I got that taken care of and rushed around working on packing up my room a little more before Mike picked me up at 7:30am. I was sweaty, but ready.

Mike, Manuel and I rode into León to meet up with German and Danilo. We all switched around and got in the appropriate vans and took off to our duties. German, Mike and Manuel had meetings in Posoltega. Danilo and I headed to the airport to pick up the girls. On our way, we saw a large truck stuck in the middle of the incoming lane on the highway. Not a good thing. It had a flat tire and I guess it ended up in that lane. Later, we saw a body on the road and some people had stopped and someone was holding a tarp over the body to keep the rain off of them. There weren't any policemen or ambulances there yet. It must have just happened. Further into Managua, we were at a stoplight and the driver of a big truck next to us asked Danilo if he could pull out of the turning lane into our straight lane ahead of us. After he went by, we noticed that there was a huge hole in the road where the pavers had been pulled up. Later in the day, as we came home, we noticed that the body was gone, the whole was larger and still not marked well, and the truck was still in the wrong lane but with the whole wheel off of it.

The girl's plane was a little late, so I did a little shopping at the vendor stalls at the airport. I went to one spot twice, so the guy gave me a discount on a bag. It was good to see the girls when they got off of the plane. Danilo remembered Kearsten when he saw her. We grabbed their stuff and headed to Tip Top for lunch. Then we headed out of town. When we got to León, we ran past a store to pick up some Bibles, but the man was not there, so we hightailed it to the team house. Danilo had just enough time to run to the bathroom and then head back to Managua for the team. Poor guy!

The girl's helped me get my stuff packed for this week and to change sheets on the beds in my room. I packed away stuff that needed to stay in my room and hopefully will not be pilfered through while I'm gone. The room is ready for guests and we got the stuff packed into ChinChin to come to the Hulsey's house.

It's good to be all settled in. I'm going to sleep well. I hope, anyway. It will be cozy this week having 8 people in the Hulsey's little house. We'll have to try not to get on each other's nerves. God will cover us in blessings this week, I'm sure.

I'm very thankful to be here, even when I'm so tired. It will be a busy 2 weeks to come, but so good. I'm ready for a rest, but I don't think my 2 months in Rogers will be all that restful. I have so much to do before I come back for 3 months in October. But time is fleeting and I pray that I use my time appropriately, according to how God has it planned. I just want to be obedient to Him.

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