Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The last few days have been graciously quiet and simple. Sunday at church was simple in both services (Anglo and Hispanic). Many people were out of town for Christmas and the weather was really cold. It was a great day for a nap. I laid down at 3pm and didn't wake up til 6!! But I still was in bed relatively early that night. It felt good to relax and rest.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of working with some great volunteers who helped me sort and organize a lot of stuff in the Missions Office. It would have taken at least all day for me to do it myself. It only took a couple of hours with the volunteers. I was blessed to have them there! I got to take a late afternoon nap on Monday, too, and slept for another 2 1/2 hours. I must be getting old and worn out! ha

Today I was blessed to get to run some errands and do some chores and then walk at the Wellness Center (what a great place! glad I'm over 50 so I qualify to join!) and then have lunch with my friend Zandra. While I was in Pea Ridge to meet Z, I stopped by the pharmacy to have a quick conversation with my friend Michael. I need to get together with him and Vickie soon. (yes, his wife's name is Vickie, too, so we call me 'Vickie-not-my-wife'. it sounds funny at first, but it works great) Anyway, it will be good to spend some time with them.

This afternoon I stopped by a consignment store that people have been telling me about and found some wonderful bargains. I decided to use the money I made from cat-sitting on some clothes. It was a nice place. I found some good bargains.

Speaking of the cat... I went by the Breazeale's house the last 3 mornings to feed the cat (Toby) and give her an insulin shot. She is a very docile cat, but she gets under the furniture and you have to fish her out. She doesn't fight you, but you gotta reach her first. The first 2 days I had to move the love seat and coffee table to get to her. On Sunday morning, I had to crawl under the huge Christmas tree (with a very low clearance) where I got a very small touch of her paw. I grabbed her collar and it snapped off. After crawling on my belly like a Marine, I finally reached her and got her out. I was sweaty and had pine needles in my hair, but I won!!! She was sweet and we had no further incidents in feeding her and getting her shot taken care of. Today, I only had to grab her under the sofa, no furniture moving involved, and she came willingly. All in all, it was fun and I enjoyed taking care of her in the mornings.

I made a ton of fudge last week and I've been sharing it with people each day. I put some in jars and decorated the lids to look like snow people wearing ear muffs. They turned out kind of cute. They looked funny on the table all together like a crowd of snowmen. (and the fudge turned out good, too!)

I have a bunch of computer work to do tomorrow, so I'll be working from my little home office. I'm looking forward to checking a lot of items off of my to do list. Can't wait to see how God leads the day.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ahhhh... a quiet day of relaxing. This week has been very busy and so much fun. I have truly enjoyed this Christmas.

Wednesday was spent finishing up delivering the Angel Tree gifts and Food Boxes. I was blessed to spend more time with the Janes kids while Mom did some last minute shopping and errands. I like hanging out with them. I went to bed early again. I'm getting too old for all these reindeer games at Christmas!

Thursday morning, I got up early and hit Walmart one last time. It was very pleasant to get there before the crowds descended. I got to spend some time with Sarah and be her personal elf. I wanted to get to Springdale and back before the weather got too bad. It sure changed quickly from one day to the next. Earlier in the week I wasn't even wearing a coat!

I came home Thursday afternoon and made some cranberry relish salad and some more fudge. I ended up making 36 pounds of fudge this year. It's so easy and I have so much fun trying different variations. It seemed to be a big hit with everyone. I like to taste it, and then I'm done. I'd rather pig out on savory stuff. But, it might be dangerous to have extra fudge around the house. Deanna has already called me a temptress since she is a fudge-aholic. I'll take some to church on Monday and tempt the staff.

Christmas morning was nice. I gave Deanna a snuggie with Arkansas Razorbacks all over it. Now she can root for the Hogs and still be warm! Deanna and I had a quiet morning and I cleaned up the fudgy mess in the kitchen. I had left about 8 batches to dry and needed to cut and bag it. Deanna finished cleaning house to get ready for company for the evening. Bryon and his 3 youngest kids came over for lunch. They were late and Deanna was starving. We almost started without them! After lunch, they went to Karyn's for awhile and we had a little more quiet time here.

Christmas evening was filled with lots of people and pets and food and fun. We had snack food and played 'dirty Santa' with some interesting gifts. We had 22 people, 5 dogs, 1 cat and 2 rats (yes, someone brought their pet rats to Grandma's house). But no partridge-in-a-peartree. I ended up with a car emergency kit as my dirty Santa gift. I really liked it. I also received an ice-scraper glove, too, so I'm ready for the road! A Haynie cousin was gracious enough to give me the gift box that her gift came in. The box is round and has the word JOY on the top. I love it!!

Cora and JD spent the night with us and we all had a quiet morning. It was really cold, but JD wanted to go outside for a while. We wrapped him up in his coat, my gloves, hat, earmuffs and scarf. He looked like a true New Yorker! He was sweet and cleaned off some of the snow from the sidewalk and driveway. Jake and Elaine came to pick up the kids and they all left around 1pm for their 22 hour drive back to Las Vegas. Heidi, their dog, had been staying with us and Jet especially enjoyed having her here. She is such a sweetie.

I took my Christmas decorations down from my 2 rooms. It took all of 10 minutes. Then dusted and straightened up the den. The rest of today was spent just relaxing, playing on the computer and reflecting. It's been a good Christmas.

I have enjoyed so much getting to be a part of the Angel Tree and Food Boxes. That was the best Christmas gift for me! Sharing the love that God gave us through Jesus' birth is the best! God has blessed me so much. I'm truly thankful.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Below is the Christmas Letter that I sent out to prayer partners.

Wishing everyone a great Christmas week!

Joy 2009

It’s hard to believe that 2009 is coming to an end in just a few weeks. It has been a year of many changes and lots of blessings, the fullness that only God can create.

I moved back to Rogers AR in May and began a period of time that included transition as well as service. It was really strange to acclimate myself back to suburbia after living in NYC for 2 years. There was a lot of adjustment on many levels.

It has been great to be working in NWA again. VBS, Mission Rogers Youth week, Back To School Bash, Thanksgiving Meals and Christmas Angel Tree and Holiday Food Baskets have kept me very busy. I have loved working with all the volunteers and getting to know new people and renew friendships. God has truly been faithful in His blessings!

After 12 months of feeling ill and 11 medical tests, a knight in shining armor finally removed my gallbladder in November and I am reveling in good health. I would have loved to have been ‘healed’ sooner, but God knew it would take me a year to really get committed to a healthy lifestyle. I’m thankful for His faithfulness and ready to respect the health He has given me.

God has been stretching and growing me through so many circumstances this year. A great Precept Bible Study, personal Bible studies, inspiring books, new friendships, many ministries to be involved with, Spanish classes, helping with Cuerpo Vivo (Hispanic Church), the promise of new ministry opportunities for next year… It’s been a full year.

I’m so thankful to all who help to support me through money, prayer and love. I’m so honored and humbled to be allowed to serve fulltime as a missionary. It’s my heart’s desire to please Him with every minute of my life and I feel very lucky to be able to do that.

As Christmas approaches, I am giddy as a child and reverent as an angel when I think about Christ’s birth and how important that moment in time is to all mankind and all eternity. I’m filled with joyous songs of celebration and praise.

My prayer for you is to have time to slow down during this season of hustle and bustle, to remember and truly celebrate Christ’s birth, and enjoy family and friends. Sing praises, lift prayers, share love and experience the Joy that God has given us as His children.

Blessings to you, my friends!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday night and I'm relaxing with Gus.

Here's a couple of pics of him.

As of Friday evening, FBCR has provided gifts for 181 Christmas 'Angels'. Doesn't that put a smile on your face?

Some great volunteers packed and delivered food boxes today. It went really well. Those were some hard working elves! There's still a few boxes to be delivered next week (because of special circumstances), but a lot was accomplished today in just a few short hours.

I was blessed to have some free time to have an early dinner with Nana Ruth and then to stop by Hobby Lobby for a few last minute things. Then I got to spend a little time with Deanna. Jet laid on my feet. I think he was trying to hold me down so I couldn't leave again. LucyAlice (the cat) just looked at me.
I'm going to bed early tonight and sleep very sweetly. I'm looking forward to working on tying up loose ends next week and making fudge and just having some fun. I like that it's a whole week of pre-Christmas Day activities.
I'm so thankful to be filling good. I'm grateful for God's healing hand. I'm so blessed to have the life that God allows me. He is so good to me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's been a great week of working on Angel Tree. We've gotten calls for more people to help and we're up to 170 'Angels' who are receiving gifts for Christmas thanks to the wonderful people at FBC Rogers (and a few others in the community who wanted to participate - some loving people at the Sr Adults Wellness Center and Vicki and her co-workers at Jiffy Kwick all asked if they could help).

I'm very thankful to the Elves who have helped this week. Kenneth, Katrina, Tori, Connie, Deanna and Angie. They've put in lots of hours and we've gotten so much done. As fast as we could process the gifts, the school counselors and social workers came and picked them up. Kenneth has been great in delivering bags of gifts and bikes to Northside school this week. The school personnel have been blown away by the generosity and love expressed by FBCR's Angel Tree this year. It's such a witness to everyone who is involved in many ways. (we've been blessed to be able to go through the counselors and social workers to find the families truly in need)

A special Thank You to Chris, a young man who donated 2 'just like new' bikes to a family. And to Kenneth, who drove way out into Bella Vista to pick them up. Thank you to Mom, Charlotte, who brought it all together.

Elves have sorted gifts, wrapped many, bagged them up to go to the families, cleaned up our mess and made me smile all week. Wednesday was a long day, but I really enjoyed getting to spend time with Angie that evening. Thank you to her sweet hubby, who allowed us to have some 'girl time' to sort and process lots of gifts. He was nice to share her.

Tomorrow we will start preparing for the Food Box packing and delivery party on Saturday. We're only doing about 50 boxes this year (we've done over a hundred in years past), but with our congregation supporting our weekly Food Pantry, and also giving so generously to the Angel Tree, it's not surprising to do less this year. This will be the first year that we have multiple volunteers come to help pack and deliver the boxes. My prayer is for the number of volunteers to match the amount of work, so that no one feels overworked and no one feels under utilized. It will be nice to spend even the smallest amount of time with people who come to give of themselves to bless others. I treasure those times of working together.

I haven't made any fudge this week. I think I'll make some next week when I'm back home at Deanna's and maybe Cora (Deanna's granddaughter who's a missionary kid in Las Vegas) will want to help. I can give fudge as a surprise gift anytime, especially after Christmas.

Gus and I are getting along just fine. He doesn't even bark at me when I come in at night now. He loves to snuggle and just sit touching some part of his body on me. I especially like it when he puts his 'elbow' on my leg and just sits there. Sometimes he just leans on me. It's funny when he falls over.

Last night I got in late and he was wanting to play. I was very tired and just played for a few minutes. He decided to I might enjoy having one of his toys in bed with us. When I didn't play with it, he must have thought I would rather play with a different toy because he kept bringing in his toys one at a time. We ended up with a bed full of dog toys. I was so tired, I just went to sleep. Gus finally gave up and snuggled and went to sleep, too.

We played a while tonight when I got home. He is so strong and loves to play tug. He's a very fair playmate. And he's generous with his toys. We're getting along very well. (even if we keep each other awake at times with our snoring. I don't know who snores louder, but I'm getting used to him.)

I am so very thankful for the energy and good health that God has provided for me. It has made these holiday weeks enjoyable. Next week I'll get to tie up loose ends with Angel Tree and Food Boxes, make fudge, finish Deanna's gift and visit with Jake and Elaine and the kids at Deanna's.

Cuerpo Vivo is having the church Christmas dinner/party on Wed night. It will be fun and yummy! Oliver has been very good at speaking to me in Spanish as much as possible and I know it must be frustrating for him, but it's so good for me. I hope he gets blessed when I remember things that he has taught me.

While at Walmart this afternoon, I ran into the mother of my friend Megan. She is looking so forward to seeing Megan in February. She's been an M in North Africa for the last 2 years. I'll be praying for her family this Christmas as they miss Megan over the holidays.

My friend Sarah is very ill again. Another major surgery and complications from that. She made it home for a week or so and then back to ICU. What a roller coaster. I'm praying for her healing and for peace and comfort for Billy (husband) and Charlie (son). They cling to God's sovereignty and trust Him to get them all through it. I pray that people will see God at work in their lives. I know they would like that, too.

I'm praying about my future involvment with a ministry in Nicaragua. I'll be going on a mission trip in March. Please join me in prayer for God to supply the needed money for the trip. It will cost a total of $1500, of which $1000 is due on January 5th. I know God has His chosen people in mind to join me in this venture. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming to think of finances, but I'm know that God is the owner of all resources and He will provide through His people. I'm always humbled and blessed by the support of others.

Well, better go for now. Gus is trying to help me type...
I pray wonderful blessings on everyone during these weeks leading to Christmas. It's a precious time to reflect on God's love and most perfect Gift. I pray that stress and over commitment and in appropriate expectations don't distract people from enjoying their relationship with God and this special time with Him.

Merry CHRISTMAS all month long!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's time for bed, but I thought I would post what has been going on for the past few days.

We are up to 161 Christmas Angels that we are supplying gifts for. People have stepped up and been so generous for these kids who need some Christmas cheer. I know the kids will love the gifts and the parents are getting the blessing of being able to put gifts under the tree. It is so fun to work on this project. I have always loved it.

Sunday I arrived at church before 8am to be around to accept the gifts that people were bringing in. By the time I left after Cuerpo Vivo worship at 2pm I was ready for lunch and a nap. I got lunch, but the nap turned into just a wish. Back to the church for a 5:30 meeting about the mission trip to Nicaragua. Some more gifts came in and I got them all locked up for the night.

Today, I was blessed with the help of 4 lovely Elves as we sorted and organized the gifts that have come in so far. School counselors and social workers were coming to pick up the gifts as we got them ready. We'll continue to do this the rest of the week. I'm so thankful for the people who have provided the gifts and for the Elves who are helping process them all. The school personnel are so grateful for how we are helping these families. The counselors and social workers see these needs week after week and it makes their hearts warm to see how FBCR has started projects to bless them. It's a blessing for us at FBCR to get to work through them so that all the blessings go to families who are really in need.

Saturday was filled with helping get items to the family who is relocating, shopping for Angel Tree and babysitting. I didn't make it to my ABF breakfast party, and I missed seeing the ladies, but there was too many responsibilities for the hours in the day. God allowed me to get a lot accomplished and of course, I had a blast babysitting for the Janes' kids. Little Phillip is getting bigger and had the most beautiful smiles. The kids were fun to be with, as always.

There were many items donated to the family who relocated. They couldn't believe the outpouring of generosity from people who don't even know them. It is so nice to be a part of this plan. God knows of all the resources that He spreads among us. He delights when we use those resources to bless each other. I'm thankful that He makes that possible.

I finally got my suitcase packed for house/dog sitting. Gus seemed to be happy to see me and in fact, he's laying next to me on the couch just snoring away! I believe he and I will be having a snoring competition tonight!

I had work to do tonight, so I didn't try to make any fudge. Maybe I'll work on it later in the week, or maybe I'll just wait till next week or even after Christmas!

I sure miss Jet and Deanna (ok, and LucyAlice the cat) already. I'll be stopping in a couple of time during the week to say hi. I'm sure Jet will take issue with the smell of Gus on me. I hope he forgives me once I get back home next week.

Well, time to go to bed so I'll be ready for another busy, fun-filled day of gift processing! I'll have a few Elves helping tomorrow, too. I'm thankful for that, among many other things that God provides. He is wonderful for thinking of all these ways to love each other and enjoy His plans.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday night and I'm home doing laundry and working on Angel Tree. It has been a really good week. Very busy doing all my 'elf duties'. I love it!!

We are now up to over 150 kids who are being blessed through the Angel Tree. I'm so thankful for all the wonderful people who have 'adopted' these Angels. It will make such a difference in these kids' lives this year. Reaching out and touching peoples lives is one of the most treasured feelings you can get. God just fills your heart with warmth and joy. He is the Creator of these feelings and He delights in letting us experience them.

I know I have said this alot, but I cannot express enough how blessed I feel that God allows me to live as a full-time Missionary. No matter where I'm serving, I get to be a part of touching peoples lives, sharing Jesus, and encouraging others to do the same. What could be better? (beside Heaven, I mean)

I went over to Gus' house (the dog I will be staying with next week). He (with the help of his master) showed me where his food and water bowls and supplies are, his favorite toys, how to work his doggie door, where he likes to sleep, where I'll be sleeping, etc. He is really full of energy. It will be a fun week. I've decided to make my multiple batches of fudge at Gus' house at night next week. I won't be in any one's way and it will give me a task for each night. (also, it won't drive Deanna crazy to have it all over her house) It will be good to have all of it made and packaged up and ready to share. Of course, I'll give Deanna some of each batch so she can be my quality control person!

I need to finish my Christmas cards soon, too. Time is marching on so fast. Maybe I can get them done this weekend between all the elf duties. I'm having so much fun!

We had our FBC Staff Christmas lunch/party this week. It was nice and simple and pretty and fun. I'm not the most exciting party guest sometimes and can even be a humbug at Christmas parties. I'm glad everyone had a good time and good food. And I'm appreciative of Lisa and Avis for putting the party together. They did a nice job.

My ABF (aka Sunday School) class is having a Christmas Breakfast/party tomorrow morning. I can't eat most of the food, but I have come to enjoy smelling foods that I can't eat and still feel satisfied. Also, it will be nice to visit with everyone. In lieu of sharing gifts, we are all bringing items for the food pantry as our 'gifts'. I like that idea.

Tomorrow afternoon I get to babysit the Janes' kids. What fun! I love spending time with them. Who knows what we will be up to!

We're working on helping a family get settled into an apartment. They have arrived with pretty much the clothes on their back and need everything. It has been awesome seeing how God is bringing people together to provide for this family. God knows every one's resources and what is available. He directs us to come together to take care of others. The key is to be open and tuned in to God's leading so that we can realize the needs and how He wants to use us. I love seeing Him at work!

Wow! As I am writing this, I stopped to take a phone call from someone who has a bed for the family and is going to deliver it tomorrow! Earlier this evening I got a call from someone who has another bed and all kinds of household goods for the family to choose from. Other families have contacted us today with lamps, kitchen items, a tv, linens, etc. How awesome! God is opening the hearts of His children to take care of each other. And I get a front row seat to watch it happen! I'm so thankful.

It's quiet here at the house tonight. Deanna is out with friends from church. Jet seems to find me boring tonight and instead of laying here in the living room, he keeps going to his bed in Deanna's room. He did get to go outside for a few minutes as I unloaded the car. He thinks anytime he goes out the front door counts as a 'walk'. I'm glad he's easy to please!

I think I better close for now and get some things done. God is so good and I'll go to sleep reflecting on all He has shown me today. That will make sweet dreams!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's been a good couple of days.

Yesterday (Sunday) I wandered the halls of church with Angel Tree information and visited some of the ABF classes reminding everyone to adopt an angel. Quite a few were adopted and it made me very happy. I had to cover the traffic in the halls before and after all three services, so I missed out on Cuerpo Vivo's service. I did get home early (just after 1pm instead of close to 3pm) since I didn't stay for Cuerpo Vivo, but I missed being in that service, though. I told people that I was the 'walking Angel Tree'. Pat & Raleigh surprised me today with a headband that has a Christmas Tree on top that lights up. I think maybe I should wear it next Sunday when we collect the gifts for Angel Tree. :)

I am truly thankful for the people who are sacrificing money and time to give something to the Angels, who wouldn't be receiving any Christmas otherwise. It's interesting to see who participates in ministries like this. You can see the love of God in their eyes and countenance. I like to be around people like that. It makes my heart happy. There is a bond between people who put others first. That's my kind of people!

I spent a lot of hours this weekend working here at home on the Angel Tree info and Christmas Food Box info. I'm very blessed to be able to work from here. It's hard to get some types of work done when I'm at the church during the week, so I spend most of that time doing the physical stuff and running errands, etc. I do a lot of computer work at night and on weekends here in my little den. It's a good balance.

This morning I started bright and early with a 6:30am phone call about Angel Tree. Then I stopped by Walgreen's around 8am to pick up a few items that they had on sale with coupons. While there, I spied some fleece throws for a wonderful price. I loaded up for the Angel Tree. I was so excited about the bargains that I forgot to get a bottle of juice for my Spanish class!

Spanish class was very good today. We learned a lot, asked a lot of questions and even made Oliver excited with the way the class was going today. Oliver read John chapter 3 and also Luke 2 in Spanish. There was a lot of discussion about the names of Jesus. It was a very nice morning.

I stopped in the Food Pantry when I got to the church. They had 4 salvations today. Jim was all smiles. We need lots of food for the pantry, since we are seeing so many people come for assistance. I hope more people will volunteer for the new year, too. Those who have come to work it have really enjoyed it. Jim and Shirley do a good job of directing it. It's a good feeling to be part of God's plan in touching lives.

I got to have a nice lunch with Janalynn today. It was good to have a sit-down meal and have time to just chat. A little more work on the Christmas projects in the afternoon and then I stopped by Walgreen's on the way home to pick up some more bargains for the Angels.

Deanna had really yummy homemade vegetable soup ready for dinner. It was good on this chilly night. Jet went outside while I carried stuff in from the car. He seemed to think that was a good alternative to a walk, since it was so cold.

I downloaded some more Christmas songs on my iPod and did some laundry. I'm heading to bed early tonight. There's only a few more weeks until Christmas and I want to enjoy every moment of the season. I need to find the right time to start making fudge. I'm going to make 8 different kinds. It will be everywhere! I hope people will like getting it for gifts. Of course, I have to keep it out of Deanna's grasp. She told me she is a fudge-aholic and that I should lock it up. I'll have to pray over it!

I'm enjoying the life that God is allowing me right now. I'm anxious to see what He has planned for me in the coming year. He's so full of wonderful surprises!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Saturday night. Cold weather, sunny today, just right for the Christmas season.

On Thursday, I got a chance to get a little work done from home and also go through a couple of boxes that I had shipped here from my apartment in nyc. I pulled out the stuff that I could pass on to some friends setting up an apartment here. It wasn't much, but it will help get them started. Then I got a call from a school social worker for some coats, so I ran them by the school on my way to run some other errands. So much for spending the day on the computer at home... but it was nice to be out in the cold sunny day.

Friday was a long day processing the Angel Tree info from the schools. I got to visit a little bit with the McGimpseys at the Food Pantry. It's nice to see new volunteers helping out there. I was soooo tired when I finished at the church about 5:30, but I wanted to run by the AT&T store to have a friend help me get my new phone set up, so I ran out to the Promenade before I went home. I did get to hear a little of the FBC choir singing at the mall. I would have hung around for a few more songs, but I was really wanting to get home and relax. (besides, Deanna had cornbread in the oven for dinner - yum!)

Today I ran around to finish my Christmas shopping. I had to get Jet and LucyAlice their gifts. Jet got a new coat so we can walk in the cold. At first he kind of liked it, but then we ran into some of his dog friends on the street and they barked. I'm assuming they were making fun of his coat, because after that he seemed to want to rub on the ground to get it off. He actually whimpered after they barked at him. Poor Jet. He even sat down on the sidewalk and quit walking. I got him home and took off his coat and he went under the bed. Poor guy was humiliated. But - he'll get over it the next time I get the coat out with his leash. He'll put up with anything as long as he gets to go on a walk! He'll thank me for the warmth of the coat when the weather gets colder, too. By the way, LucyAlice's gift was 3 little stuffed mice that she immediately started playing with.

I hope to get most of the remainder of Christmas Angels adopted tomorrow and early next week. Almost half are adopted so far. Some people have contacted me through email, phone calls and even facebook. Since we can't have a physical Angel Tree along side the pretty decorations at the church, using technology and communication is a good alternative. I'll be in the halls between services tomorrow with Angel information, so that will be fun, too.

I feel so blessed that God has allowed me to live with little material things these last 2 1/2 years. Three years ago, I was planning to sell everything and move to nyc. As I put out my Christmas decorations that year, I really appreciated all the sentimental ones and enjoyed looking at them all. When it was time to take it all down, I saved one box of really sentimental ones for storage and all the others were either given to people or sold in my moving sale. It was okay to say goodbye to the 'stuff'. When in nyc, I had a small nativity set (a gift from the Janes family) with pieces about 1" tall. I put it on top of my tv. I also had 2 stockings I bought at Macy's (I couldn't decide which one I liked best) which I hung on the wall. That's all the room I had for Christmas decorating, except for hanging up all of my Christmas cards on the wall. It looked festive. Of course, in nyc, most people don't have the room or money to decorate their places too much. That's why the trees at Rockefeller Center, Bryant Park, and Lincoln Center as well as the windows at Macy's and Bloomingdale's are all so popular. I also loved walking through the Christmas shops at Central Park and Bryant Park. It was different to celebrate Christmas there as you share it all with the rest of the city. I look forward to celebrating in other places and making new memories in the future.

Today I joined Deanna and 2 of her grandkids in attending the Christmas program at FBC. I loved the children's choir, youth ensemble, women's group, men's group and the 'big band' style song that Corey sang. The ballet dancing was nice and it reminded me of some of my friends in nyc who are dancers. There was a lot going on in that program.

I'll be spending the next few days trying to learn how to use my new phone. I'm thankful to have it and to transfer to a cheaper carrier and plan. It just takes me a while to learn new things. I'm getting too old I guess. ha I'm sure I'll love it when I learn it. I do appreciate it.

I got a message from a friend in Monterrey Mexico this week. How fun to remember times of serving on mission trips there. I'm thankful for friends and memories.

Time for bed for today. I'm so thankful to God for allowing me the life He has given me. Much of it has been unexpected, and for sure there has been many chances for growing. I'm thankful for the circumstances that lead me to depend on Him more and learn more of His unfailing love. And I am honored and humbled to be allowed to celebrate Him, especially at this time of year.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday night. A cold night and I'm excited to feel the appropriate weather for the holidays!!
I even broke out the flannel pj pants!

This has been a very productive week so far. The Christmas Angel Tree project is coming along well. I know that God people chosen to bless these kids. I pray for the right people to be open to His leading and be a part of the blessing. It is always so awesome to see the recipients get loved on with the gifts and to see the sponsors filled with the joy of giving. The same goes for the Food Boxes project. Love this time of year!

Jet has been sad that we couldn't walk the last 2 days. It was too dark when I got home on Monday and Tuesday and then today it's kind of rainy. He gives me these sad-eye looks that can make me feel guilty. Lucy Alice (the cat) decided to bless me with a quick stop on my lap and then she laid in Deanna's lap for a long session of scratching behind the ears. She looked like she was thoroughly enjoying it.

Thinking about how the animals feel and act tonight makes me think about how I am with God sometimes. I look to Him with sad, pleading eyes when I want something (like Jet's walk) but don't understand why I can't have it right now (rainy weather). I'll have to remember that I sometime have 'Jet eyes' when I look to the Lord. And when I'm having a wonderful moment of basking in God's peace and love, I'll think of Lucy Alice lounging all stretched out and just soaking up the love and attention.

Speaking of being pampered, Jet got fed twice tonight. I didn't know that Deanna had fed him and I filled his bowl again. He looked at me kind of funny and that made me ask Deanna if she had fed him already. At least he is honest! I put his bowl up on the cabinet until tomorrow. The funny thing is that we have been putting him on a little bit of a diet and here I was giving him an extra meal today!

This week I got a message from Father Baker of St Malachy's Church in NYC. Each December, a group of different churches in the Mid-town area gets together to do a Living Nativity, with caroling and hot chocolate. The411nyc and then Parable provided the hot chocolate each year. We had volunteers from mission teams serve. It was fun and very, very cold! Father Baker was asking if we would be able to provide the hot chocolate again this year. I was able to forward his message on to the pastor of the church that is meeting in our old building. I hope it works out for them to take over that serving opportunity. I know the new church was always looking for ways to reach out to the community. I sure will miss being there for that special night. Last year, a wonderful couple, Judy and Tom from NC, came up a few days before the rest of their team and helped me serve at the Nativity. It was soooooo cold! My goodness, I think I can still feel that chill! But it was a wonderful night and I will always remember it and have a warm spot in my heart for Tom and Judy.

FBC Rogers is performing a wonderful Christmas program this weekend. I can't wait to see and hear it. It will be quite the production!

Well, it's time to go to bed and dream of Christmas-y things. I love this time of year. It's fun to celebrate Jesus a little each day.