Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday, August 27, 2011

Past time for posting for the week. The days march on...

After my morning workout on Tuesday, I spent hours on the computer looking up airfares and other info for teams to come to Nica. It's so frustrating that the cost of travel is so expensive! But, our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He will fund the things that He has planned.

I went to work out with some friends and then came home and got back on the computer. I hope the workouts balance out the time sitting on my rump!

Wednesday morning, I caught a ride with my friend Teresa to the Olive St campus. I had a meeting with Lisa and partners and Shirley at the Food Pantry. We were discussing the opportunity for a nutritional supplement to be offered to families with kids. I helped answer the phone for a little while so that Glenda could be out of the office for a meeting and an errand. Avis and I had lunch together at Acombarro and it was yummy.

I was able to have a meeting with Pastor Wes on Wednesday afternoon. It was good for me. I wanted to talk about how I felt God leading me to serve, both here in Rogers and Nica. Since my status is kind of a hybrid staff-missionary, there are some perks and some responsibilities that I needed direction on. Anything that helps me survive and serve factors into my support requirements and, therefore, into my communication with my prayer partners and financial supporters. Since I'm leaving again at the end of Sept, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't dropping any balls on the local front. I appreciated the time that Pastor Wes gave me. It was good to talk with him.

I spent some time relaxing outside in the late afternoon and then joined Deanna for Prayer Meeting. It was a good day.

Thursday morning I got to have a good walk and then hit the computer again. I borrowed Deanna's van in the early evening to go help out at the Medical Clinic. I don't do much there, but I can be moral support! Glenda does a great job running the clinic and all the volunteers do a wonderful job in their areas. It was nice to see everyone. I stopped by Walmart on the way home and picked up some great stuff to take to Nica and got stocked up on hummus and fruit and good stuff. I ended up staying late and had a hard time waking up Friday morning!

Deanna went to Silver Dollar City with friends, so she let me borrow her van for the day. I went to my haircut appointment, but Carolyn had forgotten my appointment. But, no problem! I had wheels for the day, so I could reschedule for the afternoon!! I stopped in at Payless Shoes and got 2 pairs for $14. Not bad!

Then I went to the Olive St church to help with the Friday Meals. We had over 70 people again, so it was hopping! We took leftovers to Hannah House, a shelter for men in downtown Rogers. They were very thankful for anything we could bring them. We'll send leftovers there frequently.

Since I had wheels, I stopped in at Kohl's to see what was on their clearance sale aisles. I found a couple of tops for under $5 and some towels really cheap that I will sew together to make a coverlet for my bed in Nica, and I got a couple of pairs of sandals to add to my shoes in Nica. With my discount card that came in the mail, I spent $40 and saved $117. Not bad. I was happy with everything and stayed on my budget! This may not seem like a big deal to many, but when you are living at poverty level, every bargain is a blessing from Heaven!!! After filling the gas tank, I got home and took care of the critters, washed laundry and then waited for Deanna to get home from SDC. She didn't get in till 11pm!! Those crazy girls!

Saturday was spent walking, studying, researching on the computer, reading, relaxing outside and enjoying my day at home. I actually was not feeling very well because of some things that I ate and drank that aren't too good for me and my liver. I knew better, but splurged on everything that went into my mouth on Friday, so I was paying for it on Saturday. I had a stern talk with myself. And I'm going to be good from now on...

This morning, Isidro took me to church at Cuerpo Vivo. I have come a long way in understanding the music and message totally in Spanish. God has blessed me. I need to spend more time studying and need to push on through my hearing loss. But God will make it happen for me. I had lunch with the Treviño family at Juanita's (one of my favorite new places to eat). Then I came home to prep for a meeting this afternoon and then went to church with Deanna and Mary Ann. The meeting was fine and then the service was good with observance of the Lord's Supper. After church, Mary Ann treated us to ice cream at Braum's. Back home to the computer and now I'm way past my bedtime.

I've enjoyed this week and I'm so thankful for all that God allows me to participate in. I only have another 4 weeks before I go back to Nica, and I have a long list of things to accomplish before then. I ask God to plan my steps and prepare me for each day. As long as I can be faithful to His will, I'm happy!

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