Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Sunday night and I'm enjoying a quiet evening at home. It's been a busy weekend and I've loved every minute of it!

Saturday morning I met up with 26 other people of Cuerpo Vivo church to go to Carthage MO to minister to a sweet family that they have been in contact with. We took lunch for everyone and also groceries to leave with the family. We spent time visiting and praying with them. It was such a nice time. On the way home, we drove through part of Joplin to see the progress at one of the apartment complexes that Cuerpo Vivo had worked with in the weeks after the Tornado. It was my first time to see the damage, since I couldn't go before. It was heartbreaking to think of all of the families who were effected by the storms. And the length of time that it will take to get back to 'normal', whatever normal is. It was interesting to hear the kids talking about how much cleaner the streets were and be happy that some of the houses were being rebuilt. A very moving trip.

I was invited to one a birthday dinner for one of the Cuerpo Vivo families. We had carnitas and rice. So yummy! Of course, I ate too much. I just don't have good sense, or maybe my tastebuds are hyper and over ride my logic. Anyway, it was good!

This morning, I rode with Deanna to FBC Rogers so I could speak with the ABF class that I'm assigned to. After some minor technical difficulties (mostly me not being technical savvy at all) we got my slide to show up on the TV. I hope I didn't bore the ladies too much, but they seemed to enjoy hearing about serving in missions. Time went by too fast and it was time to go. I waited for my ride to Cuerpo Vivo to pick me up and had a chance to chat with some people at FBCR that I don't usually get to talk with. It was wonderful to talk with Jim Sigmon. He has a special story of what God is doing in his life.

Isidro picked me up and we were off to Cuerpo Vivo church for worship and for me to share about Nica again. I love worshiping with Cuerpo Vivo. Similar to Nica style. Always authentic and open. No worries about what others might think, you just openly worship.

After church, JP and Noemi invited me to lunch with them. We went to a little restaurant named Juanitas. It's a small place with a limited and delicious menu. JP and I ordered the burritos and had a contest to see if we could finish the humongous things! We even took a before pic of us holding up our plates. I got carried away with talking and ate the whole thing. I was so stuffed. Of course, JP finished his before me, but it was fun and yummy.

Sweet Kearsten picked me up for church tonight. She and Kaylie and I were sharing with FBCR about serving in Nica. They were interns this past summer. I love them both very much. They are very special ladies. They were a little nervous about speaking in front of everyone with a microphone, but they did great. I got started talking and spoke way over my allotted time. I had so much on my heart to share. I actually took my 10 minutes and then most of Bro Wes' sermon time! Everyone was very receptive of what God had laid on my lips to say. I felt bad for messing up the schedule and apologized to Bro Wes and Mark. I hope they know that I'm not disrespectful of their guidelines for speaking in the service. The Spirit moved, and my mouth kept going. God blessed the service and I enjoyed very much, the Saints Alive (Sr Adult) Choir. They are always pleasing to the ear and heart.

I have a ton of work to get done tomorrow and many appointments this week. Time is ticking away. God has many plans to be accomplished. I just need to keep my focus on Him.

I am so blessed to have this life that God allows me. I know I say that a lot, but I just have to give Him thanks for it. I pray that I do not take anything for granted. He alone is worthy of my efforts and thoughts and words and actions. May He be glorified through all.

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