Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Another week has flown by. Looking back, I'm having trouble remembering everything that went on. I MUST get better about posting on here in a more disciplined manner.

Last Monday was Staff meeting. It has moved over to the Pleasant Grove building since the air conditioning is out in part of the Olive Street building. This works out good since most everyone is at the Pleasant Grove site for morning meetings anyway. And I live closer to it, so it's easier to find a quick ride to the meeting.

After the staff meeting, Janalynn took me by Walmart for some more grocery and Nica shopping. Then I grabbed a ride with Avis to the Olive Street building for a workout with Glenda, Avis and Kellie. It was fun.

I was blessed to visit with Kennita on Monday. I loved 'sitting' with her mom, Ms Juanita in the past. I had not gotten the chance to visit with Kennita since her mom passed on. I had picked up a really pretty yard ornament with a deep red glass ball and an iron butterfly to stick in her yard. I took it down to Kennita's house and she stuck it right in her little garden outside her front door. I hope it brings her sweet feelings when she sees it and remembers how much her mother was loved.

Tuesday and Wednesday, I got a lot of work done at home. So many things on my plate. I feel like they are all running together sometimes. Wednesday, Nana Ruth took me to my mammogram appointment and we stopped at Target to pick up a wonderful deal on an all-in-one printer/copier/scanner for just $24. There were other great deals on some things I was wanting, so I was very excited!

Thursday, I had a lunch meeting with Cathy Krupka regarding the Women's trip to Nica in October. I'm looking forward to having some ladies join us in a Vision trip for planning a large Women's trip in 2012, as well as working with us this October. It was fun to catch up with Cathy, too. She left me with her car so that I could house/dog sit over the weekend. What a blessing to have wheels! I took full advantage of that. I ran some errands that I hate to ask anyone to take me on, since I want to spend time looking and thinking... I love checking things off of my to-do list!

Thursday night I was blessed to join the appreciation dinner for volunteers of the River of Life Medical Clinic. I spoke a little about Nica and about keeping on doing what God is calling, even when we get tired, weary, discouraged, etc. He has a plan for every situation and only He knows if things are going the way He wants. We are to be obedient and serve. It was great to see everyone. Hard to believe the clinic is starting it's 12th year. I met a lady named Brenda, who blessed me with a surprise love offering. God has blessings hidden everywhere!

Friday I was able to visit the Food Pantry really quickly and then help with the Community Meals at the church. I took Will and Miriam Janes home and got to visit with Becca for a little while. A quick stop at home for clothes, etc., and I was on my way to stay with Gus, the dog. He was happy to see a person, but was pouty that his mama was not there. He was no trouble, but didn't even want to play. Poor guy.

Saturday I ran some more errands and visited with Deanna when I stopped by the house for church clothes. I went back to Gus' house and spent some time in the late afternoon working out in the pool. Good exercise and I felt soooo good. Gus even came out and laid on a lawn chair in the sun. I think he was trying to keep his beautiful tan. I spent hours on Bible Study and enjoyed it very much.

Sunday morning I wasn't feeling very well and stayed home and worked on Bible Study some more. I got ready to help greet at a meeting at FBCR, but by the time I got my stuff back to Deanna's, I just had to lay down for a while. I just felt plain old yucky. I don't like my plans being interrupted, but I guess I needed the down time.

This morning I went for my walk and was surprised by Isidro, who ran up behind me and grabbed me. It's a wonder that people driving by didn't stop to rescue me. HA. It's Isidro's birthday today and he took the day off. He was out walking/jogging this morning. It was nice to walk a couple of miles with him and chat. What a blessing for me on his birthday!

Working from home this morning and getting ready for the staff meeting this afternoon. My computer is having a little problem with the charging cord. It's not connecting correctly. I hope it can be fixed fairly easily. I don't know what I would do without my computer!

Time to get back to work for now. Will try to post at least twice a week. There is so much that I forget about when I wait too long. God fills each day with blessings and we forget them way too quickly.

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