Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The week is over halfway through. It won't be long before I'm gone to Nica again. I'm trying to get as much done in these weeks as possible and I sometimes find myself feeling like a dog going in circles chasing its tail. Only God can order my steps to make my days efficient and effective and appropriate. Gotta keep my focus on Him.

Monday was my first time back at Staff meeting at FBCR. Bro Tommy has retired, as well as Raleigh. Jerry and Matt have signed on as the newest staff members. The majority of the staff have only been there 4 years or less. It's a whole new bunch of people every time I'm back in the country, it seems. :)

Janalynn had picked me up for lunch before the staff meeting and we enjoyed some Chik-Fil-A. I love their chargrilled wraps! After the meeting, she ran me by Walmart to pick up my site-to-store order and grab a few groceries. It's so nice to have friends to run me around! I had ordered a sewing machine to take to Nica to use for sewing classes and for us to make stuff.

Tuesday and Wednesday I spent on the computer getting stuff done. There are so many things to take care of. I love doing what God allows for me. I'm so excited about the ministry in Nica. I'm going to enjoy every minute of this season of my life.

Today, I caught a ride with Teresa over to the Olive St church. I was blessed to share with the ladies of Women on Mission at their planning meeting. Brian Dunaway came over early to help me get a projector hooked up to my computer to show my slides. He is so wonderful to help with every request. The meeting was informative regarding their plans for next year. I enjoyed the ladies very much.

Oliver and Erika Martinez were celebrating their 10th anniversary today and asked if I would watch the kids for them to go out for lunch and have a little date. They picked me up from the church after my meeting and we stopped by fast food to grab lunch for me and the kids and then came home to Deanna's. The kids loved the puppies (who we are sitting for the week) and played with them for hours. The pups are 3 months old and full of energy. They did really well with the kids and the kids did good with them. Jet even got in on the playtime. It was overcast and relatively cool (70s) so we spent a lot of time out on the back patio. Oliver and Erika said they had a good date. The kids never want to go home. I told Oliver that I'm happy to watch the kids anytime they want. They need some Couple time more often.

Today I didn't get the chance to walk or workout and I feel like a slug. Tomorrow morning I hope to either walk (if it's not raining) or do my workout before I go to the church. I may even walk to the church. We'll see.

I'm ready to help at the Food Pantry and the Community Meals tomorrow. It will be great to see everyone and see how the ministries are going. Things here always feel the same and different when I come back. Sort of surreal. Keeps me thinking about how time is fleeting and life is always changing and that only God knows and sees each day of the future. And we shouldn't get too settled into routines of our own making.

Life is an adventure and God can make it awesome if we only focus on and trust in Him.

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