Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday, Oct 3, 2009

What a nice Saturday! Woke up and had some hot tea during my quiet time. After writing in my journal, I was sitting on the sofa in sweet peace and I was visited by LucyAlice, who is not a lap-kitty, but who decided to take up residence on my lap. I snapped her picture with my phone and sent it to Deanna. I know she misses the critters and they miss her. I can't wait for her to get back Thursday!

Anyway, I had a leisurely breakfast of my yummy 'super oatmeal' (which I haven't missed a day of since last November) and a pampering shower. Full of energy, I headed out the door for some errands. A quick stop by the library (where I got to say hi to my friend Monica), I dropped off my application for membership at the Wellness Center (thank you Dean and Shirley for the gift!), then to a few stores for specific items on my list. I had $30 worth of savings cards for Lifeway Christian Bookstore that had to be used by today, so I had a lovely time perusing the aisles there. I found some good bargains and saved money! Sweet! I thought about running some more errands, but was starting to feel tired, so I ran back home mid-afternoon to do some laundry and read one of my new books.

Jet piled up on the floor next to the sofa I was lying on to read. We both fell fast asleep for a couple of hours. We woke up and decided a walk was in order. It was a little chilly, since the sun was hidden behind clouds, but it was a nice brisk walk, which we both needed.

I ask God each morning to use me in whatever way He has planned. It really is my heart's desire to be a tool for Him. But I know that as I go throughout my day, I get caught up in the mechanics of moving from one thing to another and don't always stay as attentive to the small ways in which He speaks to me. One thing that He has impressed upon me is that sometimes He gives me small pieces at a time. It's kind of like a treasure hunt, and I need to pay attention so I won't miss anything. Often when someone asks me if I know of someone who... (need a particular item, help of some kind, an opportunity, etc), and I can't think of a recipient right off the top of my head, I know that God will provide the other half of the situation in some way. I always get excited when I don't know of the recipient, because I know He is going to bring someone across my path soon. I love to see Him at work.

He did these kinds things lately. Someone in Las Vegas asked his friend in San Francisco if she knew of any churches in Vegas. The San Francisco friend is a Facebook friend of mine through her sister-in-law who I met in nyc. I let her know about Jake and Elaine Bridges and Northstar church in Vegas. So, God brought the guy in Las Vegas info about a possible church home via San Francisco-nyc-Rogers AR-Las Vegas. God had put those relationships in order to accomplish that task. He could have done it all without us, but it's another reminder of how He is everywhere and we are all His.

Today I was in a store and noticed someone in the next checkout line that looked vaguely familiar. Usually, I don't pursue a conversation when I'm not sure (and even sometimes when I am sure). But God has been impressing on me to be bolder and more outgoing so that I won't miss those opportunities that He is placing around me. So I asked the lady if she was Trudi (the name that kept coming to mind). It turns out she was. I didn't know if she would remember me at all, but after we talked about how we had met about 19 years ago, she did. Her husband and I were in the same sign language class at the Rogers Youth Center all those years ago. One of the classes was an outing with spouses or friends. That's how I met Trudi. She told me that little did they know back then her husband, Larry, would eventually lose his hearing. wow. They are Christians and know that God is sovereign. They have been looking for signing classes for their family to take. I was able to share with her about the classes at our church (FBC Rogers) on Wednesday nights and will get them connected to people who can help them out more local information. We were giving God honor and praise for His plans and the 'chance' meeting we had this morning. He is sooo good! (I'm so glad that He didn't let me ignore the nudge to approach Trudi).

This evening, a friend called me to see if our church had ways to help a lady she met who is sleeping at a park. God brought this lady across Angela's path and Angela opened up to a conversation with her. She is a Christian and just needs to get back on her feet. I gave Angela some contact info on some of the agencies and ministries that God has led me to research. God knew that Angela would be meeting this lady and that the info would be needed. All these pieces coming together...

Do you remember a TV show called "The A Team"? The lead guy would always say "I love it when a plan comes together." I used to picture God in Heaven smiling and saying that. But now I imagine Him smiling and saying "I love it when My children are obedient so My plan can come together." Not that He needs us to accomplish His plans. But we grow so much by being involved and honor Him by being obedient.

One of the books I bought today with my savings card is about God putting these opportunities in our lives every single day and how we should be looking for them and responding to them. I'll share more about that book when I get it read.

I pray we are all more aware of what God is doing around us at any given moment. And when you see me, please remind me to be looking!

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