Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

It's been a busy day. I started out on the computer trying to figure out what I did wrong when backing up files from my old laptop to my external hard drive. I worked a little more on my to-do list for ministry. Then I packed everything up and headed to the Olive St offices to do some things and get ready for the Staff meeting. Kellie was kind enough to come by and pick me up. She lives near by now, so it wasn't too much trouble to pick me up on her lunch hour.

When I left the house, Deanna was babysitting for sweet, little Allie, her great-granddaughter. She is so cute and growing so much. it was nice to get to see her.

At the church offices, I got some documents signed and sent for the plane tickets for the March missions team to Nic. woohoo! I'm excited about this team coming down. We're going to have a great time serving together.

Before Staff meeting, Brian checked out my computers and the hard drive to figure out what is going on. The old laptop was acting funny, but the files seemed to be on the hard drive, even if the old computer didn't recognize it. I'm glad that I didn't lose anything.

Staff meeting was interesting. I hadn't been in one in over 2 months, since I was in Nic and last week I was sick and missed it. It was different not having John or Raleigh there. Cliff was a new addition. Eric Hansen, a family from our church who are missionaries in Indiana, shared what their ministry is like. It was good to hear. They will be in AR until I leave IN to return. We'll cross paths going in different directions. I would love to spend time with them in one place or the other to catch up. Maybe one of these days...

One of the assignments for the staff is to turn in an example of how we spend our time during the week. I don't keep 'office hours', so it will be interesting to put my schedule on paper. I do most of my computer work early in the am and especially in the evenings.

There's a staff retreat on Monday and Tuesday of next week, but I'll be in IN, so I will miss out on it. I'll have to email Bro Wes my ministry plans and status, so that he can share it with the team. I will miss hearing what the others have planned, although I'll be told later, it's nice to be there when it is all being discussed.

Brian worked on my computers a little and I ended up missing the chance to go to Springdale today for the Samaritan's Feet event, but that's okay. I appreciated all that Brian did to back up my files. He ended up sending me home in his truck while he stayed at the church for girl's basketball practice (he co-coaches with my friend Bob). Bob dropped him off here at the house to pick up his truck. That was sooo very nice of him. Brian will finish up transferring my stuff between computers after I get back from Indiana next week. I'm so glad that it was salvageable. I'm dangerous with technology! ha

It feels so good to have everything already packed and ready for my trip. Since today was kind of crazy on logistics, I had packed yesterday. No matter what my schedule was today, I still didn't have to worry about getting home to do anything for the trip. That was so nice. I fixed some soy bacon and eggbeaters with mushrooms and cheese for dinner. Now I'm enjoying some hot chocolate and going to bed early.

I don't look forward to getting up at 4am, but it will be nice to get to meet my sister and niece in mid afternoon to eat and shop on the way to their house. The 10 days will go by very quickly, I'm sure.

I'm praying for boldness and discernment to be able to share with my family about salvation in Christ. It is so hard to witness to family. They tend to shut you up if they don't want to listen. I asked for prayer regarding this in staff meeting today. Lord, help me to carry on with the desire to see all people, even my crazy family, come to know You as Savior and Lord. Amen!!!

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