Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

My last night in Nic (until March). Thinking about it would keep me awake if it weren't for the fact that God has given me a very busy day to wear me out so that I will fall asleep really easily in just a few minutes!

We packed up and headed out at 7:30 this morning. Once in León, we picked up Juan, Jeremy and Michael, our translators at the light. Then we headed over to pick up German at his house and to drop off the extra boxes of New Testaments for safe keeping. Then we stopped at On the Run for a last bathroom break until much later in the day.

Finally, we started out for Posoltega, where we were going to work with the Todopoderoso church at their church plant. They had everything very well organized for the day. It was so wonderful to work with them! One of the best days we have had! Once in Posoltega, we met with the team from Todopoderoso and also some workers from the local area. We split up into groups and walked up and down the streets inviting everyone to the Fiesta and Feeding, and also witnessing to everyone we found. We had about 1 1/2 hours for the street evangelism. It was wonderful!

Then we got back to the area where the Fiesta was to take place. It's a piece of land that is cleared off and they have outdoor church there. Everyone brought their chairs (molded plastic lawn chairs that are used everywhere down here) and we had a very orderly audience area. We are usually crowed by the kids pushing in to see everything at the Fiestas, but this was wonderful. We did the Fiesta and everyone had a wonderful time. The drama went well and the witnessing with the groups of boys, girls and adults was great. It was nice to have so many workers.

Right before the Feeding, they had a piñata for the kids. It happened to be hanging from a tree very near the food tables. Once it broke open, the kids lunged for the candy and the adults had to physically protect the food tables from falling over! I got some pics. Crazy!

The Feeding was great. They had prepared very yummy looking food. Everyone was fed. There was even some left for the Nica workers. Mandy and Chet from our team had made us all peanut butter sandwiches and apples for our lunch in the field. That was a nice snack for us! During and after the Feeding there was still lots of sharing and witnessing going on. We gave out Salvation bracelets to everyone and New Testaments to most of the people. We also gave out extra candy. It was fun.

All the Pastors and one Pastor's wife, German and Chet all made speeches to the workers. Everyone was so pleased with the blessings of the day. There were 163 salvations. Everything ran very smoothly and all the workers enjoyed the time together. It was really an awesome day. God blessed us so much on our last work day. Great memories.

We headed back to León and stopped again at On the Run for the bathroom. It was a much appreciated stop! Then we headed to downtown to a Western Union store to pick up some wired money. Then we stopped at La Unión for toppings for the sandwiches for tonight's dinner. German and I went to 4 pharmacies before we found some medicine that Mary and I needed to bring home with us. Thankfully, all 4 pharmacies were within 2 blocks of the van. The team went with a lady they met earlier in the week to purchase some glasses for her. We said goodbye to the translators and then stopped at German's house so that Chet could ride the motorcycle to the mission house. We said goodbye to German (and I think he was saying goodbye to his motorcycle) and we headed home, finally, to have lunch.

It was about 2pm when we got home. The cook was glad to finally see us back so that she could leave! We had rice mix and cabbage salad and tortillas for lunch. It was good.

Mary and I jumped right in on doing some laundry so that we could pack away our clothes to keep her. We started packing the mission house stuff away for safe keeping. We'll finish that tomorrow morning before we leave. I worked a few hours on all my stuff and then Iris, one of my Nica daughters, called to say that she and her mother and sister were coming to the house to visit. We had not had the chance to see each other these 2 months. When she got here, we sat with the team and had a wonderful conversation. I enjoyed it very much. They caught the last bus (about 6:30pm) out of Poneloya for León and I went back to work on sorting and packing.

We had sandwiches for dinner and the team pitched in getting things ready. They had plenty of time to relax and visit the beach for the last time. It was a nice evening. I finally got all my work done by 9pm. I was so tired! I went downstairs to visit with the team a little bit and then came up to get on the computer about 10pm. I need to answer a few more emails and then I'm going to sleep!

Today, while we were all going in different directions downtown, I had the chance to record a commercial for Juan's English School. It was fun. I really respect Juan and his wife and their school. If I could live here more time out of the year, I would love to work at the school with them. Maybe someday...

I can't remember anything else noteworthy from today, so I'll finish this. God has been so amazing to me. I can't put into words what it means to me to have this relationship with Him. I pray that I will find the words and be ready at all times, when asked the reason for my joy. It's all HIM!

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