Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5 & Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday was a good day. I slept in till about 9. I then fixed some pancakes for breakfast. I did some laundry, made a dentist appointment, made a doctors appointment, made a few phone calls, looked for some things that I had packed away here at the house before I left, unpacked my suitcases, had lunch, took a nap, talked Deanna's head off, had dinner and then finally got on the computer to do some emails. I went to bed tired again and slept very well.

Thursday, today, I got up early so that I could catch a ride with Deanna to my dentist appointment. My tooth and jaw and ear had still been bothering off and on. When the pain hit, it was bad. Dr. Wolfe xrayed my top and bottom molars again and said that my description of the pain and how it radiated through the side of my face and ear sounded like it was sinus infection issues. He called me in a prescription for anti-biotics to start on. I told him that I have an appointment with Dr Bob to check out my ear, since it has been an issue for over 3 months now. Hopefully, between the two of them, we can figure out the problem and get it taken care of. I was so glad to not have to have any work done on my teeth. It was also easier on my wallet!

After my dentist appointment, I walked down a few blocks to Braums and had some breakfast. Then I walked a few more blocks to my haircut appointment. It was fun to talk with Carolyn and have her fix my self-inflicted haircuts from Nic. I got to see Ms Helen Walters from church while there. That was nice to get a hug from her.

After the haircut, I was walking to the church and had just gotten a few blocks before I heard my name called. My friend Monica Herrera and her husband had pulled over to see if I wanted a ride. They were on their way to lunch and invited me, but I needed to get to the church, so they dropped me off. That was nice.

At the church (Olive street building) I caught up with some friends and then met up with Oliver and Andreas and his wife upstairs. It was great to see that they are starting their networking ministry there at the church. It's called Puente, which means bridge, and helps Hispanics to know where to go and what to do in many situations to get settled in Rogers.

I answered the phone while Glenda ran and got us sandwiches and I got to visit with her a little bit. Then I met with Brian Sander, our Youth Pastor, to talk about the Nic team for March and our planning meeting this Sunday. After that meeting, Oliver snatched me and we met with Andreas and they shared with me all the things that God is doing for and through Cuerpo Vivo.

During the afternoon, we found out that Cuerpo Vivo ministry received a donation of used computers to use for the part of the ministry that Puente will be a part of. I also got a call from a friend and fellow missionary, who works with Samaritan's Feet. He wanted to talk to me about the chance to meet a rep from their ministry who will be in Springdale on Jan 17. I'm excited for that encounter. There's a possibility that they will send a team to Nic, too. It is wonderful to see Cuerpo Vivo growing in strength and maturity as well as in numbers. So exciting!

Nana Ruth called to see if I was free for dinner. I walked to her apartment and we went to Red Lobster, where she had a coupon and gift cards. We enjoyed a very yummy dinner. It turns out that she is off work on Jan 17th and will go with me to Springdale for the Samaritan's Feet event. yay! After dinner, we went to Walmart and I got groceries. I was so thankful for that chance.

Now I will stay home tomorrow and work on computer. I won't have to ask anyone for a ride. I'll have my prescription delivered and I have grub to eat. I'm looking forward to a very productive day.

God is so good. He is busy and He is allowing many people to be a part of His work. He is awesome and I love Him so much.

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