Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21, 2009

It's a sunny Monday. I love the sun. It just seems to make a day better.

I called the doctor's office this morning to see when I would have results from Thursday's biopsy. They said usually 7-10 days, but since my doctor was out, the nurse checked and found the results on his desk. Everything is fine with the hemangioma on my liver. I really felt that it would be. I'm thankful. Dr. O will be back on Wednesday, and I'm hoping to get to meet with him to find out what we are going to do to fix the problem (whatever it is). I had a little pity party and good cry this morning over this all dragging on so long. I want so much to be strong and healthy and able to work hard in whatever way God leads. After about 15 minutes I was praising Him in all things, even in frustrating health problems. He is sovereign and I trust Him.

I had a great caregiver for a couple of days in Elizabeth. She helped me in and out of the chair, fixed my food, took care of the animals and was a pleasure to be with. She is such a sweetie.

I had the chance to read a good book. "Lives Given, Not Taken", by Eric Bridges and Jerry Rankin. I love reading about missionaries and their lives and devotion to serving.

I've been able to spend time on my Bible study and Spanish lessons. I hope to have time to meet with my tutor soon! I need to just practice with my Hispanic friends, too.

We had a casualty here at the house last weekend. One of the fish in the outdoor pond was belly-up one morning. There was a problem with the pump and the poor guy didn't get enough oxygen in the water. The other 3 fish seem to be doing fine. Of course, the dog and cat are great. They keep me smiling at their funny personalities. I'm sure they miss Deanna. I'll try to keep them a little spoiled until she gets home.

In the last couple of weeks, I have been blessed to talk with some friends from all over. It is so great to catch up. I have truly been blessed with strong friendships that began while I served in nyc. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in the future.

I'm looking so forward to Heaven and reuniting with Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Some I only had a few words with here in this life. But we'll all be together there. I get so excited when I think about it. I can't wait to see my Jesus.

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