Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18, 2009

It's Friday morning. Half of September is over. Doesn't time fly by?

Yesterday I had the most involved test yet on my journey of health. I'm growing very weary of all of the tests, but I'm thankful that the tests are available for diagnosis. I'm ready for everything to be fixed and for me to be well and full of energy!

I'm learning so much about livers and such. Since I had to be a 'participant' I was given a mild sedative to just take the edge off of the anxiety. They numbed the skin on my stomach where they were going to work with a local anesthetic, kind of like the dentist office. They made a small incision and then poked the needle thing in to my stomach, guided by an ultrasound. I didn't look, but did hold my breath when instructed and could feel them punch through to the liver. The needle contraption made a loud click sound when it snatched the tissue and I jumped. The doc asked if it hurt, which thankfully it didn't, it just scared me. It would have been nice to know that was going to happen. Note to doc: explain that part to the next patient! Then they did a second snatch and put a bandaid over the little incision. I finally looked and did see part of the needle contraption and was glad that I had not looked before then! The whole thing didn't take long. Then I was wheeled to the recovery area and was told by my wonderful nurse, Al, that my 'sentence' for lying completely still was 3 hours. I was allowed to eat and I had my cellphone for texting and facebook. Al checked on me every 15 minutes for awhile (blood pressure and heart monitor), then switched to every 30 minutes. He said I was a good patient. I couldn't have pain meds, even aspirin or advil, because of the risk of blood thinning. So I laid very still.

I learned another thing about the liver. It's full of nerves and the two 'little' punctures caused major pain across my whole front from waist to chin, side to side. It came in spasms at first and made it very difficult to move even a little. I kept saying how amazed I was at the way two tiny spots could affect such a large area. It really made me think about life and how seemingly little instances of sin can affect a huge area of our lives. God has created us so intricately that we can't even image. Only He knows how we are connected to His plan and each other. It is so important to be diligent and Christ-centered in every little thing, so that His plans can be accomplished in His way.

The car ride home was not the most fun I've ever had. And I was soooo happy to lay flat on the sofa when I got home. If I laid perfectly still it didn't hurt as much. No deep breaths, no coughing, no laughing, no scooting around to get more comfy. Perfectly still. The kind of still that God commands us to be in His presence to know that He is indeed our God. Every movement is a gift from God. Every movement minus pain is a gift from Him. Every movement with pain is a gift because it reminds us that we are able to move. I'm thankful to Him in ALL things. And I pray that keep my mind and heart open to remember these things.

I'm supposed to lay still for a couple of days and then take it easy for a week, so that the pokes will heal and that the pain will be as light as possible (since I can't have meds). So, I am blessed to have a great babysitter with me. Miss Elizabeth Janes is taking wonder care of me. She thinks it's fun to babysit me after the years of me babysitting her. The cat (LucyAlice) and the dog (Jet) LOVE her. I think she's having fun being in charge, too. She's a sweet blessing to me.

I should find out the results of the biopsy Monday or so. I've not been too concerned about the results because I truly trust God's plan. Since the position of the hemangioma is not in the spot of the usual pain I have (although it made the biopsy easier), I don't think it's responsible for my health issues. I'm just ready for the next step to being well. And as going the tests and waiting for results has not been the most fun, I acknowledge that God has plans for people to be touched through every step of the way. Please pray that I stay attentive to all the opportunities to share Him. Which reminds me of Dollie, the lady who admitted me yesterday. We spoke about being a missionary and sisters in Christ. What a sweet blessing!

Well, I have to get up from the recliner and walk to the bathroom. Pray for me people! It's an adventure!

Thank you all for your prayers. I lift you up to our Lord for many lessons and blessings in your lives, too. To HIM be all the glory!!

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