Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 24-26, 2014

It’s been a fun few days. I absolutely love getting to walk to everywhere I want to go. What a treat! I’m meeting more neighbors on the street and finding new little places to eat in my neighborhood.

It feels like I’ve been back for a month or two, but I’ve only been back 12 days. I’m anxious to get settled in my own place and get classes going, but it’s also nice to have the slow pace of putting all of the pieces together.

After some negotiating and lots of prayer, the landlord of the house I want to rent agreed to our first amount of $400 per month. The house is big, with plenty of space for my classes and some extra bedrooms for visitors. It needs a lot of work, which will come out of my pocket, but I can do anything I want to with it. I can’t wait to get started! I’ll paint the whole place, including ceilings, and the kitchen needs some updating. But that stuff is easy to get done down here. It will be interesting whom God will put in my path for those opportunities. Jason, an ex-pat friend, who runs the guest house I’m living in and will also be my neighbor, does this kind of thing all of the time and he has a lot of insight and inspiration to draw from. He has been running the house that I’m going to rent as a current Guest house. He knows the condition of everything starting out and he has great ideas. He also knows lots of workers to get the job done. It will be fun.

I have everything that I need for myself to move in and get settled. I have some furniture, but very little. It will look sparse for awhile, but I will be ever so happy living in my own place and setting up for classes and ministry. I’ll call the place Living Grace House (after the new ministry that God has given me). There is a lot to do, and normally I’m a crazy – want to get it all done at once and right now – kind of person. But I’m enjoying the contentment that God is giving me and seeing how is working in other people’s lives through this experience.

I’m still reading the Grace Walk book and still loving it! I’m thankful to have time to read and study right now, while waiting for the time to start classes. I want to always be a sponge, ready to soak up God’s teachings and guidance.

Lots of people are chomping at the bit for the English Bible Study Group to start back up. I’m ready, too, but need to wait until I’m in my own place. We are having fun meeting new students and making plans.

I’ve been so blessed by visits from friends this past week. It makes my heart so happy to have a place where all of my friends are welcome. What a treasure.

I’ve really enjoyed going to the bi-lingual church with other NA missionaries. I get to see those friends, as well as worship in such a blessed atmosphere. We have service early on Sunday mornings, so this also allows me to go to the churches of some of my friends during the week, also. I’m loving it!

I’m still working on getting all the details of the new ministry (Living Grace) on paper to share with everyone. So many thoughts are percolating in my head. God will filter them all when the time is right.

I have to share a special blessing that started this week. One of the long term guests here at Jason’s Guest House is Laura. She is here in Nica for a while (months) and is learning Spanish and looking for a job to use her talents and education. Part of what she does is analyze businesses and organizations (including non-profits) to determine if the procedures and policies are effective and if the entity is performing as intended. Among her expertise is consulting and advising. She and I started a conversation on her very first day and I had goosebumps by the end of the discussion. I knew that God had brought here for me (as well as His other plans for her). We are working on wording my mission statement and all that goes into communicating about Living Grace Ministry. She said that she was looking for some organizations and ministries to volunteer her time and talents. I raised my hand and said Pick Me! I’m so very excited and thankful. God is amazing.

A couple, who are missionary friends of mine, had their first baby yesterday. It was exciting for us all. There are a lot of the NA missionaries who are starting families this year. So far there have been 6 pregnancies and they are all girls! A few are due in the next month or so. What fun! (I can say that, since I’m not the one who has to get up all hours of the night for feedings! Ha)

Well, time to go to bed. I’m so thankful that I am comfortable in my temporary place. My room is plenty big and the bed is comfy. I have windows on 2 walls, so with a breeze and my little fans, I’m quite comfortable. In fact, I hate to get up some mornings, because it feels so good! I hope to put a ceiling fan in my bedroom at my place. I may not be seen for days, then!

I’m so thankful to God for everything He is allowing in my life. All the blessings and all the challenges. I want Jesus to live His life through me and I’m thankful for the lessons He teaches me to make that happen.

God is good. I am blessed.

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