Saturday, January 11, 2014

December 30, 2013 - January 11, 2014

Quite a few days (and a couple of years) included in this post.

I enjoyed my last days in Indiana by visiting with friends and family. Terry and Sandy were feeling poorly, so they rested a little bit. I loved having the down time to rest and to eat all the yummy left overs! I enjoyed getting to share with people about what God is up to in Nica and what His plans are for me in 2014.

I started out for AR on New Year’s morning. I enjoyed the drive and made good time. With the threat of icy roads overnight, I decided to drive as far as possible before sunset, so that I could be closer to AR before stopping for the night. I ended up stopping in Lebanon MO and it was getting very cold and windy. I found a little hotel and the desk lady gave me a recommendation on a really good family owned BBQ restaurant. I enjoyed the warmth of the restaurant and the very good food. I even told the head cook that I had never had brisket as good. I got back to the hotel and got warmed up. The wind was very cold. I watched a little tv, made some phone calls to report my progress to those checking on me and snuggled up in the bed.

On Thursday (Jan2), the roads were covered with ice and snow and the wind was still blowing pretty hard. I took my time and noticed many cars and trucks that had spun off the road. It looked like a few fender benders, but mostly spinning and stuck in the median or shoulders. The farther southwest I drove, the less snow and ice on the road. I was able to still take the little highway shortcut to Rogers. I was thankful for that. I made it through Pea Ridge in time to join my friend Zandra for lunch at her work. It was a great treat for me. I love that girl, and we don’t get the chance to see each other too much. I got to Deanna’s and unloaded the car and kicked off my shoes and declared myself stationary!

I ran some errands on Friday, and then bad weather moved in Saturday, which kept most everyone off of the roads again. No church for me on Sunday. I got to watch some on TV. I did get a ton of laundry done over the weekend, including the sheets, so I was cozy and comfy!

During the week, there was good driving days and then bad driving days. I ran errands and met with people when the weather permitted. I’ve been back in the states almost 6 weeks and probably have had about 2 weeks of usable days to get around. Crazy!

I’ve spent some time working on plans for the ministry when I get back to Nica on January 14. I’ve also spent a lot of time working on 2013 taxes. Blah. But it has gone pretty well. I’m thankful that the internet makes it possible to track things so easily.

I’ve also gotten to cook and bake some. I love working in the kitchen and I look forward to getting to do that more when I get back to Nica. It will be interesting to see how many items I can find there to cook with. There is a group of people who concentrate on healthy foods, so I’m looking forward to seeking them out for advice and recipes. I’m going to work on my health in 2014. I’ve already started some better habits, and I think I’m ready to really make the life changes that I need and not treat them as temporary.

I spent today shopping for the last of the items needed to take back to Nica. I worked on packing luggage for me to take on Tuesday and also a couple of trunks for the FBCR Spring Break team to bring to me in March.

I’ll be in a temporary new place when I get back to Nica on Tuesday night. I can’t wait. And I’ll be praying about where God will put me more permanently. He is faithful and my provider, and I know that He has it all worked out. I’m ready to be obedient and to look for His plans.

I’ve had lots of messages from friends in Nica. Many of the students are telling me they are ready to start Bible Studies again. Me, too!

I’m very happy and excited to see how the ministry unfolds for this year. I’m so thankful that God is simplifying my serving to focus on Bible Studies, women’s ministry (including young ladies), English Bible study and sewing/skills classes. I’m so blessed. I thank Him for putting these passions in my heart and allowing me to follow those passions. My desire is for Him to be Glorified in Everything!! He is Worthy!

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