Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 24-30, 2013

A funny thing happened when I came out of my room on Saturday morning. I had slept in until about 7:30 (after seeing the FBC Rogers team off to the airport at 3:30am). I came out of my room and saw one of the drivers here. Danilo was supposed to drop off the van and go home. I asked what he was doing and he said that the married couple didn’t get on the plane and were waiting at the hotel across from the airport for him to pick them up and bring them back here. I immediately checked my phones and sure enough, I had missed calls while I was asleep. I called Mike and apologized for missing the calls and he said he had missed them on his phone, too. Finally, Rusty had contacted Charlie Brown in the states and Charlie had sent us emails and facebook messages. How crazy!

It turns out that the tickets for Rusty and Lynn were issued with a return date of the 26th instead of the 23rd. Oh my! We put clean sheets on their bed and waited for them to arrive. Since we had extra staff that day to clean the rooms, Erika was working and cooked lunch for us. We had arroz aguado, one of my favorites. I called Danilo and used his phone to speak to Rusty. I let them know that they could have lunch with us and not to stop on the road and spend money on food. They got here about 1 or so and got settled back into their room.

We had a great time of talking about what the Lord is up to in their lives and just relaxed a little bit. Buster decided to swim with Rusty and lounged on the raft with him. The Hulsey’s had invited us over for dinner and then the plans got changed a couple of times and we ended up meeting them at Al Carbón restaurant, one of my favorites (I have lots of favorites). It was a fun evening of chatting and eating and relaxing. It was nice for them to see how things are here when there aren’t 30+ extra North Americans and 20+ VOH staff running around. ☺

Sunday morning, we all get ready for church and Rusty preached. It was a nice time. Then we went to Mike and Sherry’s for lunch. It was a very nice time of relaxing and talking and Manuel entertained us and we all had a great time. We got back to the team house and Rusty and Lynn swam and then watched a movie while I did a make-up lesson with Freddy on the English Bible Study. I finished up some laundry and then got in the pool with Rusty and Lynn. It was a good day.

On Monday, I got some computer stuff done in the morning. Franklin came by to pick up his Bible that I had the team bring down. Bryan and Marcela stopped by. Then Rusty and Lynn went with the Hulsey’s to run some errands and see some houses and sites around León. The Praise band came to practice and they had some extra musicians who were great!

Lesbia came for the Women’s Bible Study, but since it is Holy Week, none of the other ladies came. So we just visited a little bit. Erika wanted to redo my toes since she didn’t like the bows that she had experimented with. I never turn her down! I did some more Bible Study and then some of the English Bible Study Group came over. Since it’s Holy Week, we won’t meet on Friday, so I didn’t want the Monday group to get too far ahead. We reviewed and talked with a new student. It’s awesome to see how much the students have taken in. They are so dedicated!

Rusty and Lynn had went into Managua and stayed at the hotel across from the airport for their early departure tomorrow. I watched a video and called it a night.

I spent most of the week taking care of communication with future teams, working on lesson plans for the 2 Bible Studies that I teach, organized some stuff in my new binders that the team brought me, burned some cds, etc. It was a quiet week and I definitely didn’t want to get out and drive too much on Holy Week. They block of streets at what seems like random whims.

Bryan was going to borrow the projector to show the Passion of the Christ video to 2 of the churches. I had him scared to death about taking care of it. I got to chat with Sherry a bit while it’s quiet. She wants to go over the procedures for the Feeding Center tracking to see about taking some of the burden off of me. She helped for a couple of hours on one small part of the procedures and then declared new procedures which will be much less labor intensive. Okay by me!!!

I went to get my haircut, but wasn’t sure about the streets. So I waited until the workers were ready to leave and asked Jorge to drive me. We took the workers to their requested stops and then I kept the van to drive home (since the streets weren’t too bad). I loved my haircut. It feels so good being very, very short! I got back to the team house and took a quick dip in the pool. That was very nice!

On Wednesday and Thursday, I prepared and sent 75 letters via email to some of our Feeding Center sponsors. I have gotten lots of calls from friends and English students. I love getting to help them practice their English. But I want to practice my Spanish, too!

Friday was prep day for the Easter celebration with the VOH workers on Sat. Sherry boiled about 12 dozen eggs. Mike, Manuel and I helped eat some of the cracked ones. We all had to do our part! Manuel and I stuffed coins and candy in a couple of hundred eggs. Sherry baked a few cakes. I took a nap while they swam. It was a good day!

I worked on Bible Study notes for classes and emails and facebook updates and blog updates. I did some hand sewing in the evening while watching some videos. I really enjoyed my evening!

Saturday!!! The VOH Family Easter Party! We had so much fun! Everyone, including the adults love to hunt for the eggs. Sherry and I hid the eggs while Mike kept Manuel and Francisco busy. Buster had to be sequestered because we found out last year that he likes to hunt eggs, too. I helped the kids (and some adults) dye most of the 12 dozen eggs and the kids swam while waiting on everyone to get here. (always late in Nica) Then we had a crazy time of gathering the eggs. It didn’t take long! The adults were allowed to choose 2 stuffed plastic eggs with prizes. Some got $20 US, some got Nica money, some got packages of Oreo cookies, some got rice/beans/sugar. They all loved it! Then there was more swimming while Mike grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. Sherry had made baked beans and we had chips, buns and all the trimmings. Soda was a big hit and the cakes were delicious! Everyone enjoyed the meal. There was more swimming and then everyone started going home. German took a group home in the back of our new truck. I put a video of them driving off on my facebook page. In fact, I put a lot of pics and videos of the day on my facebook page. The Hulsey’s left and Buster and I retired to my room for a nap. It was 2:39pm and the perfect time for a nap!

I did some laundry, made some phone calls, uploaded the pics and videos and watched a video. It was a great day! I love being able to spend time with everyone down here. They are all so special. God has truly blessed me!!

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