Friday, March 29, 2013

March 10-16, 2013

Sunday: a pretty sweet and restful day. I helped to set up for church and then really enjoyed the service. Afterward, I had pizza (delivered) with the Hulsey’s. I took a nap while they swam and then I took a dip myself after the sun went down a little bit. A swim after a nap is wonderful! I called my sister Pam and did some email stuff. I pinned more aprons while watching a video. A very nice day!

Monday: I made some Fruit of the Spirit bookmarks in English and Spanish, which fit with both of the Bible Studies that I teach. Bryan and Marcela brought me a birthday present, a book titled “Cartas a Dios” (letters to God) in Spanish. What a neat present! I love it! I did more computer stuff in the morning.

Both Bible Studies went well. I love getting to teach these classes. I learn so much and I enjoy seeing the students learning as well. It makes for a long day, though. I relaxed by watching a video and updating phone numbers in my Nica phone.

Tuesday: I did some major printing in my room. I’m thankful that I could bring down a printer from the states. More emails and messages to the people coming on the Spring Break team. I spent a few hours sewing and loved it! It’s like therapy for me!

We had Tuesday night church and I played with the kids. Thankfully, some crayons and coloring sheets take care of it! I can’t really teach a lesson to them since the sound is so loud from ‘big’ church. But the kids don’t mind. I watched a video and worked on even more aprons!

Wednesday: For some reason this day was very emotional for me. I think being tired, hot, stressed and overworked was taking its toll. I put way too much pressure on myself sometimes and it catches up with me! I did a lot of computer work and had many, many people sending messages asking for info and such. It was non-stop and stressful. I had a long talk with Lesly and one with Jaasiel. I couldn’t keep from crying most of the day. Silly girl!

Band practice was pleasant as always. I’m so blessed to get to hear them play and practice so much. It soothes my soul. I was still weepy and decided not to go to Bible Study because I was so blubbery. I needed to chill! Then German called and said that the guys who work on our website were coming and I had to sit in the office with them. Well, that set off another pity party! I took my computer and sat in the office for over 2 hours and they guys never showed up! I guess God showed me what happens to people who feel sorry for themselves! I finally just went to bed!

Thursday: I worked on my Bible Study, which I was behind on, but just ‘happened’ to read what I needed for that day! I worked on personal receipts and was reminded how blessed I am to be able to live and serve here. Sherry and I had a long chat in my room and we both cried to relieve stress. It was a good ‘girl’ time and we both felt better. I got some more work done in the afternoon. Then I took myself out to dinner at Al Carbón restaurant (one of my favorite nice places here). I ran into Tamara and a group from her ministry. We said hello and exchanged hugs and I went back to my date with Jesus. I loved that time alone with good food and focus on Jesus. I realized I hadn’t left the team house in 6 days. I think I need to get out more often! I’m so thankful that no matter what happens during my day, I have Jesus with me!

Friday: we found out that one of the young men (leaders) of the La Quimera church passed away from kidney problems that he was having. I just love that little family. I knew that I had a pic or two on my computer, so I searched until I found one of him singing at a church service. I printed it off and laminated it for his wife. I sent it with Pastor Bryan. My heart just broke for his wife and little girl.

We had English Bible Study Group. Bismarck couldn’t come, but called. It was unusual for him to miss! Leyla (a new student) stayed afterward for some catch up lessons. Oscar Danilo also stayed for a chat and for some prayer. I find that God puts me in a place of mentoring with these students. I pray for discernment and compassion to minister to them as God wills. They all have a special place in my heart!

I went in the afternoon to help Lesly buy groceries for the team. This takes many hours. We were very tired by the time we got back. I made some pasta for dinner and watched a video before bed. Looking forward to the teams coming on Saturday!

Saturday: I caught up on my laundry, sewed all morning (8 aprons, 8 tablecloths, 2 covers for water-coolers) and loved it. It’s my therapy! Since workers were here to get the place ready for the teams arriving late, Erika was on hand to start some of the food and to also make lunch for us workers. We had Indo Viejo for lunch. I loved it! I also steamed some calabasa squash and cut up some tomatoes for lunch. We don’t eat much in the way of veggies here and I need to supplement the meals sometimes! Erika was shocked that I was cooking the squash in the microwave. They all loved it, though. I’m going to make it more often!

Danilo picked me up in the afternoon to head to Managua early to stop by PriceSmart. Sherry wanted some things and I wanted to load up on more juice and stuff. It was crazy in there! We finally made our way to the airport and had dinner at Subway. Then we waited on the teams to arrive at 8:30pm and 9:40pm. By the time we got back to the team house and had a very quick ‘house rules meeting’, it was 1am when we got in bed! It’s great to have everyone here, though!

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