Friday, March 29, 2013

March 3-9, 2013

Sunday: German and I went to church at Monte Horeb. On the way there, we stopped by Augusto Sandino Feeding Center to check on the progress and take some pics. After church, I did some laundry, Believing God Bible Study, emails, computer work on upcoming teams, updated my blog and watched a video. It was a very nice day.

Monday: started the day with computer work and printing off items. Lots of emails and fb messages. After lunch, I prepared to teach classes. The Women’s Bible Study Leadership Training class was great. I love these ladies. Freddy came by 1 hour early this evening to practice the books of the Bible in English and for me to practice them in Spanish. He’s a special guy and I’m so glad to have him in class. I think that God is going to do some very special things in his life.

English Bible Study Class was a lot of fun. I was surprised by some of the students that have had to miss due to working. They came with snacks to celebrate my upcoming birthday. They sang to me. It was so fun! I am so blessed to know some great people!

I finished the night with emails about the upcoming teams and by pinning aprons to sew for the cooks. I love having ‘hand work’ to do while watching videos in the evening.

Tuesday: I love being able to track my bank account (and having friends who take care of my banking for me in AR) and to use the internet to pay my tithe, lodging donation and spending money transfers to VOH. I’m spoiled by the convenience!

Jaasiel went with me to the government office to get an extension on my VISA. The man there took care of my paperwork and said for me to come back on April 1 so that I could save 500 córdovas (about $25 US) on the overall fee. What a nice guy! We went to the French bakery for a treat and then to La Unión for a few groceries and then grabbed a taxi back home. While walking down the street, I heard my name and looked around. There was Danilo driving a city bus waving to me! How fun to get to see him!

Back at the team house, Jaasiel and Mayela worked on a welcome banner for the church service area. I worked on emails and feeding center kid’s records. Then we all helped get the place set up for the first Tuesday night Worship Service. The service was a lot of fun. It’s so great to have services here at the team house. We have some logistic issues to work out, but it will be great. German was so happy with everything that he just kept laughing and smiling and even giggling all evening after the service. Saturnino was our Pastor for the night and he did an Awesome job! Whew! After everyone left, German and I went out for dinner at Tip Top. It was a really nice evening.

Wednesday: I worked on Believing God Bible Study homework and Alberto did the devotions for the VOH workers. About 9am, Sherry, Lesly, Jaasiel, Mayela, Erika, Aracelys, Coco and I left with Edmundo for a Girls Day Out in Managua. It was so fun! Aracelys and Coco had never been outside of León before. We went to Metro Centro (mall) and the 3 of the ladies were scared of the escalators. They had never seen such contraptions! We had lunch at TGIFridays. It was delicious! I got a yummy piece of warm brownie cake with a candle and had to do the birthday chicken dance. Lol. Then we went to PriceSmart and picked up some groceries. Coco and Aracelys went back to the van to wait. They didn’t feel comfortable in that big place. We all had an awesome day.

I was so tired and a little sick to my stomach after the drive home, so I was going to skip Bible Study. When I got on fb to send a message to Tamara, I saw a message from her that so many were going to be missing, that the study was postponed. What a relief! I wouldn’t be behind from that night! I practiced guitar and then watched a video and went to bed.

Thursday: Jorge led devotions for the VOH staff. Mike taught a Pastor/Leader Training class with Jaasiel as translator. I love getting to sit at my ‘office’ (table outside my door) and listen to Bible stuff in both languages!

I worked on the computer all morning and called Deanna to check on her and to let her know that I had ordered a bunch of stuff from and that would be delivered to her house and that someone would pick it up to bring to Nica on the Spring Break trip. It was good to talk with Deanna. I miss her. I also had a phone call from Estefanie, whose sister had some alarming medical tests. I promised to pray for the family and felt so bad that I couldn’t hug Estefanie at that moment. She is so dear to me.

I bought the plane tickets for my May 23rd return to Nica and Aug 6th trip to the states.

In the afternoon, I rode with German to San Jacinto to take a few pics of some property. On the ride, he ‘dictated’ some notes for the schedule for the Spring Break team. I made the notes and didn’t even get carsick. That was a God thing!

I got home and did some computer stuff, took pics of the beautiful painting at our entrance (pics are on facebook) declaring our property as Iglesia Pan de Vida, Ministerio Voz de Esperanza, with an awesome handpainted emblem of a dove and listing our service hours. I then pinned more aprons while watching a video. Another awesome day!

Friday: After the devotions, the staff had a birthday party for me!!! They had flowers delivered (unusual in Nica), a Hello Kitty cake, a piñata and lots of laughs! I’m very blessed!

During the English Bible Study Group, Bismarck accepted Christ! How awesome! The afternoon was spent working on Bible Study and Children’s Ministry materials. Then Jorge, Lesly, Jaasiel, Mayela, Manuel and I went to Chinandega for a concert. Miel San Marcos is a group from Guatamela and they are sooo good! We had a blast! It was very late when we got back home. I was beat from standing up for hours, but it was worth it! I bought a cd and a songbook. Fun!

Saturday: It was my birthday! 56 years old. I thought it was hilarious to turn 50. 56 just sounds silly. I spent the day at the team house resting and doing laundry, making phone calls and studying. A nap was in order and it was very HOT! I updated my blog. I’m always so far behind on my blog!

It’s been a great week of getting to celebrate my birthday in many ways with many people (over 150 on facebook!). I’m truly a blessed woman!

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