Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm sitting here resting and waiting for my ride to church tonight. I looked at my last post and it was last Friday. It's hard to believe that I've been back in Rogers less than a week. It seems longer. It took me a couple of days to get back into the swing of things. The weather was cool (although much warmer here than it had been) and I had to get my mind back into the idea of wearing pants, long sleeves and socks!

Sunday morning I enjoyed worshipping with Cuerpo Vivo. It feels just like home to hear Spanish praise music and hear the sermon in Spanish. I love getting hugs each and every Sunday. And I love the open, pure worship. Mark and Isidro and I went to lunch at Red Robin, mostly due to the endless freckled lemonade (made with real strawberries). I had a sandwich with blackened grilled salmon. YUM!! I came home and had a little (2 hour) nap. Then Deanna and I went to church at FBCR. The Nica team got to share about the trip over spring break. Brian Dunaway had made a great little recap video from some of our pictures. The kids did a great job of sharing different aspects of the trip. It was a very good night.

Monday morning I spent time catching up on emails and other computer work on various projects. Kellie picked me up for lunch and a ride to the Olive st campus for Staff Meeting. Cliff led the meeting since Pastor Wes was still teaching on the cruise. I love the way Cliff starts each meeting with us going around the room answering a particular question. This week it was 'I'm excited about my ministry because...'. We covered business and prayed for each other. Good meeting. Teresa was kind enough to drop me off at home on her way home. It helps that I live on the way. I don't like to put people out by giving me rides. They have been so gracious.

Tuesday, was a good day. It started with the service day for the Ladies' Bible Study group. I was blessed to lead the small team of ladies serving Northside Elementary. We sorted supplies that the teachers had requested for their classrooms. There were a few items that had not been donated, so we took up a collection among ourselves and jumped in a church van and ran to Walmart for a quick shopping trip. We got to the school and carried everything in. The school was in a quiet lock down situation to ensure that the kids had a good environment for doing their benchmark testing. We had some goodies to leave in the teacher's lounge. Everyone was very thankful. And I was so excited to Kelly, the counselor, who is looking so fit and healthy! I'm proud and inspired by her!

Tuesday lunch was at the church fellowship hall with all the salads and desserts that the ladies had brought. It was sure yummy! The wonderful ladies of the Women On Mission (WMU) were honored with cake and roses. It was sweet. Some of the ladies have been serving in WMU for over 45 years. Quite an inspiration for us all. Hopefully, some of the younger women will step up to help take the reigns to keep this vital ministry going at FBCR.

I had a doctor's appointment with my ENT specialist, Dr Black. He is a good Christian man who goes to my church. We spent some time looking over the results of my hearing test from 3 weeks ago. I have profound hearing loss in my left ear. It doesn't hurt at all, but it is very frustrating to me. Especially, since I'm trying to learn a new language and all. We'll schedule an MRI for the next couple of weeks. It may be something that I just have to live with, but I sure do hope and pray that it can be reversed. But I'll accept whatever God decides for me.

I did my taxes online last night and was pleasantly surprised that I don't owe more than I do. I actually make very little money and the program used the 'low income table'. The extra money I had saved for taxes will go to the doctor and test bills for my ears. God has provided as usual. I also need to start saving for the airfare for my trip in the fall to India and Duabai. There's always something, and I'm so blessed that God has allowed me to live in circumstances that I can afford to serve Him as He calls. I love living very minimally. He provides what I NEED and that's all I ask.

I will be speaking to the Cubbies (preschoolers) at AWANA tonight at FBCR. I'll share a little with them about NYC and Nicaragua. I have a few pictures printed off to share with them.

After church, I will go home with the Thompkins family, where I will be kid-sitting for the next week. I'm looking forward to spending time getting to know Andrew and Noami better. I think we will have fun.

God is good and I am thankful for all He allows in my life. I can't wait to get to Heaven, and until that day comes, I get to enjoy some amazing ways to serve Him. How blessed am I???

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