Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday pm. Staying home tonight instead of going to the ICVI Core Group Meeting. I will miss being there and meeting with the leadership of Cuerpo Vivo church, but I'm taking a time out for myself this evening.

I finished up with dog-sitting last night about midnight when I picked up the mommies at the airport. The dogs were very happy to see their 'humans', but they still were sweet to me. They are so lovable. (the dogs AND the humans) :)

I did get to check off all the things on my to-list for my working retreat time with the pooches. A lot of reading and studying. I'm so thankful for that time. It was such a blessing to me to be there this past week. And I was blessed to get to use Deena's car while at their house. I fit in a couple of doctor visits, blood tests, MRI, extra church services, meetings and errands. What a blessing!!!

I'm so excited for Easter this Sunday. I know the worship time will be awesome at Cuerpo Vivo. Due to times of services, I'm not able to get to both FBCR and Cuerpo Vivo on the same Sunday. I do at least get to watch FBCR on the computer when I want. So that's nice. I hope that many people who don't go to church all year will at least go on Easter. AND I pray that those people will HEAR the Gospel in exciting ways on Sunday and come to know Christ as Savior. I'm already celebrating in my heart.

This Saturday is the big celebration for kids at FBCR. Thousands of plastic eggs filled with candy and small toys will be dropped from a helicopter for a giant egg hunt. I"m not sure if I'll be able to be there to help, but they are expecting thousands of people. The weather this week calls for thunderstorms everyday, but I hope that the weather will be clear for Saturday.

The Chronological Bible Study has been so good lately. I know I say that every week, but I'm loving how God is showing me so many different things through His Word. Lisa is so great in her lecture time. She allows God to speak through her in understandable and meaningful ways. She brings tears to my eyes often. Our small group discussions are very revealing and quite funny sometimes. It's been great to meet with everyone weekly. I will miss that, but I will definitely keep up with my study! I can't wait to start again and see how much God will show me next year!

My mom is starting to have some issues with her sugar lately. That makes my dad and sister Pam and mom with type II diabetes issues and a nephew with type I. I had my annual (but late) blood tests done this week for my cholesterol and sugar. I had great numbers! I was very pleased. Dr Bob said to 'keep doing what I'm doing'. I wondered if that meant I could 'keep sneaking chocolate'. :) I AM trying to be better about eating healthy because I want to be as fit as possible for traveling and serving in other countries. It will be a long and hard journey for me, but I can do it through Christ! I'm not motivated to do it for myself, but I will gladly do it to serve Him better!

I registered to do the WALK for the Race for the Cure on April 30. I'm looking forward to it. I signed up under Team Traci for my friend Traci Davis. I'm walking in honor of my sister Pam, who was diagnosed last fall. I'm so thankful that Pam is doing so great. And Traci is just plain amazing!

It's good to be home with Deanna and Jet (and the cat, I guess). It's been 2 weeks tonight since I started sleeping in other houses. I rested pretty well everywhere, but it's good to be back home, too. It's just interesting to think about how fast time flies by. It's so important to make the most of each day. We owe God much more than that, but He accepts what we can give. He is awesome!!

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