Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I just woke up from a long, sweet nap. It's very quiet here at Miss Juanita's house. Naps are so tempting and I had to succumb. I've been 'granny-sitting' for Miss Juanita for the last couple of days. She is so sweet and I enjoy her company very much. Ella, the dog is wonderful and I have enjoyed taking her for long walks, until this morning, when she left for the lake with her Papa. We miss her, but I'm sure she's enjoying herself there, too.

The weather this week has been so pretty. I've been trying to get my walks in early in the day before it gets too hot. I was very lax about walking when it was rainy outside. I haven't been to the Wellness Center for a while because I love walking outside. I need to be more diligent in going there to walk when the weather is not good. This morning I walked for about 4 miles. It was so nice. (maybe that's why I succumbed to the nap) I miss taking Ella for our short walks around the complex.

This week has been very busy and fruitful. God is always busy working around us and it's so fun to get involved with what He is doing. He has allowed me to have some very productive meetings regarding the service that we can be doing in the community, especially for the Mission Rogers Youth Week. Both conversations I had this week extended beyond Missions Week to cover on-going opportunities and some good networking for the future.

Cuerpo Vivo has kept me busy lately with not only the routine things of helping Pastors Jaime and Oliver organize the ministry, but also getting plans in place for the Anniversary Celebration on July 10th, and the Small Group Training classes (with childcare) for the next 7 weeks starting this coming Wednesday night. While I'm in Nic, the congregation of FBCR will be starting to meet at the new facility and Cuerpo Vivo will begin meeting in the sanctuary and rooms of the west wing of the 8t street building. We've been working on the details for that transition as well. It's a very busy season for many people!

FBCR has some volunteers currently serving in Haiti, a few left a week ago for a month in China... there are people coming and going constantly to serve where God leads. It is wonderful to be a part of a church that prays, promotes and supports missions efforts all the time. Those people who cannot 'go' are very much a part of the process by praying and giving so that others can go. It is a huge blessing to see everyone working together to take care of the Kingdom work.

A large part of that Kingdom work is serving right here in NWArkansas. I love helping to organize efforts to reach out and touch the lives of those around us so that we can share the love of Christ and the hope of eternal life with Him. I'm blessed.

Time to get busy again. Lots of personal things to catch up on. Those things seem to get pushed to the back burner when I'm busiest with missions stuff. It's good to catch up sometimes.

I pray that everyone is having a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend. While remembering and loving those who have served in Armed Forces and those family members and friends who are no longer with us, PLEASE remember to give glory to our Father who created us and for our Savior Jesus, who gave His earthly life for everyone on earth throughout time. What a HERO!!!

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