Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What a great and crazy week.

I enjoyed both services at church last Sunday (FBCR and Cuerpo Vivo). It is interesting that sometimes there will be the same song in each service (just different languages) and this Sunday there was a scripture used by both pastors. It reminds me of how connected my life is to both churches.

I spent most of each day at the church on Monday-Wednesday, helping with the Spanish calls for meal reservations and getting the final details put together for Thanksgiving. It was really pleasant this year. (It has made such a difference that I'm not glued to the front desk and phone like the years before. This gives me so much more time and flexibility to get the things done for the mission projects, without having to do the running around after hours. Thank you Lord for controlling my time.)

Anyway, we ended up serving 2500 meals this year. It is so fun to be there with everyone working really hard and having a good time. I think we have probably hit our limit on how many meals we can handle in the space and time constraints of the kitchen and fellowship hall. What little we had left went to World Garden restaurant to help with the 3 meals they were providing that day. We were done by noon and I was home before 1pm. I rested for awhile and reflected on how nice it was to be back at FBCR for Thanksgiving this year.

I got to spend Thanksgiving dinner with Deanna's family. We ate about 6pm, so that gave me time to rest up and to fix the sweet potatoes. I had made some yummy fresh cranberry relish/salad the day before. Karyn and her family, Bryon, Mary Ann Bennett, Deanna and I chowed down on some great food. We had lots of fun and laughs. I really felt at home with them. We missed Jake and Elaine and the kids, but we called them up on Skype on my laptop and everyone had a blast talking with them. Deanna even got all excited when talking to Elaine's dog. Everyone left by 8pm-ish, but it felt like midnight to us. We were tired and relaxed and happy.

I usually don't hit the Black Friday sales, but Walmart was having some really great deals that would be perfect for the Angel Tree kids at church. There was also an HP 3-in-1 printer/scanner/copier for just $29, so I HAD to go and get that for me! I woke up at 5:30am and was at Walmart by 6. A lot of the crazy people had already picked up the best bargains (which started at 5am) and some were still slinging stuff around. I veered my cart away from those spots. I did find a printer, which made the whole trip worth while. I found a few items that Deanna was wanting and then I got in line to check out. After 20 minutes of standing perfectly still, I decided that I could walk around and find more bargains while all those crazy early people finished checking out. I ended up finding more of the items that Deanna was wanting and I could finally get close to some items that the 'slinging people' were hogging earlier. Then I got back in a different line, which was moving slowly, but moving, and had some nice conversations with other shoppers. I even talked to my sister in Indiana on the phone for a while. (although I don't think she appreciated me waking her up)

After Walmart, I went ahead and ran to Target to get something they were out of at Walmart. The best thing is that I got myself a Christmas present from me! I have wanted an iPod forever and I got a nice iPod Nano at Target. I'm so happy! (Deanna has been laughing at me cuz I'm so excited to have it). Then I went by Lifeway Christian Bookstore to get a few special items there. A quick stop for milk and hummus and I was back home for a nap!! What a good day!!!

I had to return the hot boxes that we had borrowed from Pfeffer's catering for Thanksgiving meals. I was trying to coordinate having someone help me unload them, since they are way too heavy for me to be lifting. I didn't want to bother anyone on their family time. I was so excited that someone was at the place where they needed to go. He said he would unload them. So I ran over there in the church van (I had one of the guys load the boxes in it right after the meals on Thursday) and delivered the boxes. When I got back to the church parking lot I realized that I couldn't pull the gate at the bus lot because it is too heavy for me right now. I thought I would just park and lock the van by the gate and then go over to Nana Ruth's and have her call Benny to come and lock up the van. Just as I was walking away from the locked van Benny actually pulled into the parking lot! Perfect timing God!! Benny took care of putting the van away. I had to smile at God's provision at just the right time. But mostly I smiled that the fact that Benny (who I tease mercilessly sometimes) was the answer to my prayer! heehee

I had a nice visit with Nana Ruth, who I never seem to have enough time to talk with. I definitely want to spend time visiting with people and not be too busy this holiday season.

Today, Deanna and I went to Lifeway and then to Hobby Lobby (where I ran into and got hugs from Becca and Elizabeth Janes). I took a nap after lunch and then Jet and I went on a really nice walk. (Jet was exhausted yesterday after his dog cousins came for Thanksgiving dinner and he actually laid down on the sidewalk when we took a little walk!) He did really good today and we both got some good exercise and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon weather.

I ran to GNC and then to Walmart this evening. I picked up the ingredients to make 8 batches of fudge and also for a dish I need to bring to our Staff Christmas dinner in a couple of weeks. Now I don't have to worry about fighting people to buy those ingredients. I can just fix the stuff when I feel like it.

God is providing wonderful time management for me this year. I'm so thankful to Him for allowing me to do the holiday things that I have missed the last few years. The last 2 Decembers were extremely busy for me in nyc. Last year there were 5 church mission teams up to work, and the year before, there were 7. I spent most of December each year out on the streets working with the teams, doing free gift wrapping at Herald Square, serving hot chocolate at the Living Nativity on 48th Street, working in the soup kitchens and senior centers, visiting Fire Stations, etc. I will miss those times this year (and some of the special people like Judy and Tom and the North Carolina team and the Central Baptist ladies), but I will get to bake and make fudge and decorate and really enjoy the season here in a different way.

I'm excited about the Angel Tree and the Christmas Food Boxes at church this year. It's coming together nicely and people are stepping up to help make it work. I took what I had budgeted for my personal donation for Angel Tree and spread it out over many Black Friday deals and can give a little to a lot of different Angels. I'm excited to see it all come together.

This has been a wonderful holiday weekend. I have rested, eaten, visited, shopped, played, prayed and praised my heart out. I am feeling so much better physically - I haven't felt this good in over a year! I'm giddy about it! I'm really enjoying God's blessings in my life right now. I pray that everyone is getting the chance to slow down and enjoy every minute of this time of honoring God and His Son. What a beautiful gift to us!!!

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