Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, I'm a happy woman! They finally did my gallbladder surgery yesterday. God was so comforting to me. I woke up at peace. Everyone at the surgery center was nice. One of the medical people who took care of me is from my church and I hadn't met her yet and she prayed with me before surgery. That was sweet. Dr. Rogers came in right before surgery and said he had practiced up on the person before me. I felt in good hands. When I put the paper hat on my head it reminded me of wearing a hairnet to work in the soup kitchens in nyc. I got to share a little about being a missionary in nyc and here, too. They covered me up with warm blankets and put those leg massager things on me. The nurse asked if I was okay and I told her I was pretending that I was at a spa. (although a spa would be cheaper)

I woke up in recovery and got to go home shortly after. I was expecting to feel horrible like I did after the liver biopsy, but it was not as bad. That made me happy. After a quick stop at the pharmacy for some pain meds, Deanna got me home about 1:30. I took a nap and then hung out in the recliner for the rest of the day. They had told me to walk frequently, so I did some laps around the living room, kitchen, hall. Jet started with me, but soon decided I wasn't going outside, so he just sat and looked at me like I was crazy.

I woke up this morning with no nausea for the first time in over a year. I already feel so much better. I'm excited. I have to take it easy for a few more days and I got to eat real food for dinner today. That baked potato was good!

I have a tendency to push too fast and too hard. But I'm being really good this time. I want to be healed up and raring to go asap. I am so thankful that I can work from home so I don't feel unproductive. I've gotten a lot done in the last few days. I've even started on Christmas cards.

I'm sure you are all as tired of hearing about my health as I am in complaining about it. It's smooth sailing from here. I'm soooo thankful for God's hand on my life.

Thanksgiving is coming so fast. I love it. The plans for our church's free meals are on track. It's a big undertaking, but God pulls it all together. This year's biggest challenge is funding it. As we grow in number of meals (due to more need) the cost goes up, too. Vendors are not as able to supply donated food as in the past. I know God has a plan for the money to come from the right place. Please join me in praying for God's will to be revealed. I know there are going to be many people blessed by the meals.

Christmas blessings are coming along, too. Food baskets and Angel Tree gifts are in the works. It's a tight time for everyone financially. But it's wonderful to see how God can take the little bit we contribute and He makes miracles happen with it. He doesn't need what we have to make His blessings happen, but He wants for us to be participants in the process to grow us and to let us feel the blessing of helping others. What a perfect plan.

Well, time for bed. I think I'll turn in early tonight. Slow and steady for now. And plenty of time to rest in God's peace and comfort. I'm so blessed.

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