Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 6-7, 2013

Sunday I worked on classes, feeding center stuff, children’s ministry, communication (VOH and personal) and chatted with Mike about things. I got a lot done and enjoyed sitting here at my work area (table outside my room) listening to the breeze and animals and other sounds, and looking at the sunshine and feeling the warmth. It’s so good to be back ‘home’.

Monday morning was wonderful! I got to see the workers and spend some time talking with them. I gave them their surprises that I had brought back from the states. I still had stuff to organize in my room. It was a good morning.

After lunch, we had a staff meeting with all workers about some changes. We also talked about the details for the team coming on Tuesday.

Then it was time for my first class with the Women’s Bible Study Leadership Training. Estefanie had made calls last week to remind the ladies of the first class. I was excited to see who was coming. Some of the ladies I knew and some were new to me. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do with this leadership in the churches down here!

We prayed together and then had an overview of the course. We will be taking this study a lot slower than it was originally intended (partly due to having to repeat everything in both languages), but it’s going to be really good! I explained how the class should be conducted, attendance, prayer journal, curriculum, etc. They ladies are up for the task and excited! I gave Bibles to 2 of the ladies and promised one to another. The other ladies had nice Bibles to teach from. We had a great time of sharing ideas and planning and praying together. When class broke up, they each wanted to talk with me and thank me for this opportunity to learn and teach about God to their churches. I’m so happy that God is working it out for this process of the ladies teaching in their own churches. I gave the ladies money for their transportation home.

Estefanie left to run an errand before the next class. I rested a little bit, grabbed a snack and then got ready for the next class.

At 6pm on Mondays, I lead a class called “Foundations”, a basic study of the Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Church, Baptism, etc… This class is taught in English. The students are some of our translators and many of the English students that I have had the privilege of working with over the last two years (through Pacheco’s English Academy). I was very interested to see who all could come to the class.

We had 8 students the first night and I loved having each and everyone of them here! We had an overview and then went through the introductory lesson. I was concerned that it might be too much, but everyone was keeping up and asking for help with words they didn’t yet know in English. They really paid attention and said that they loved the class. I’m thrilled! I’m learning right a long with them. It’s a good study!

In the middle of our class I received a planned Skype call from the FBC Yukon OK team who are coming in March. I let the students say hi and then took the computer to the office for Mike and I to talk to the team. We can’t wait to have them here. Part of the group have been here before, but most are first-timers. I know that Nate will have them prepared well. It was fun getting to see baby Mollie on the screen, too!

Our 2 hour class ended and everyone was in a great mood. I love being with my Nica friends! They went on their way to some fun and I put all my teaching stuff away and relaxed. I was so blessed by the day.

Mondays will be full by having both classes on the same day, but I think it works out well for many reasons.

I got the chance to talk to Mike a little more before he left for the evening. The construction team from Crosslife Church comes in the morning and I’ll not get the chance to talk much with Mike after that.

It’s so good to be here in Nica, where God has plans for me to serve Him. I’m very blessed!

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