Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The last time I posted was Saturday and here it is Wednesday already! I’m getting bad about this! Ha

Sunday was nice. We went to La Quimera church and Pastor Brian was in rare form! There were 78 people there and many were standing. Lots of kids are coming and it’s awesome to see them! Pastor Brian loves praise music and he tries to get the congregation moving in their worship. He got Mary up on the stage to help demonstrate some moves. I got I on video on my camera and posted it on my facebook page. She did a great job!! We hope to bring more chairs out there this week. It’s so wonderful to see the church doing so well.

We stopped and got sandwiches at On the Run on the way home. They messed up Mary’s order but she took it anyway. I love my usual monterrey chicken sandwich. I made a baked potato and it was a great meal. I took a nice nap.

I had to fight myself all day long not to work. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and take time to relax. It’s hard, but I do feel better for it.

Monday, Mayela and I went to Noah’s Ark Feeding Center. Things are coming together finally for our records and sponsor book. We came back to the house about 1pm and had lunch. I ran Mary over to Monte Horeb to touch base with the ladies there about their first Bible Study coming up on Wednesday. Then I brought her back and picked up Mayela and we ran to town to do some errands and buy some items for the Feeding Center at Monte Horeb.

I dropped Mayela off at the movies to meet up with her kids. Then I headed back to the Mission House. On the way, I stopped at my favorite used clothing store and bought some capris. I made it home and worked on the computer and then ate leftovers for dinner and watched a movie before bed.

Tuesday was a holiday here, like our Labor Day in the states. We thought we would have a nice quiet day, but the Youth from one of the larger churches here used the place for a retreat. I spent most of the time in my room working. Mary helped me for a few hours sorting and bagging up food items for the Feeding Center at Monte Horeb. We got a lot done. Mary helped me hem some pieces of fabric to make covers for the big pots of food at the Feeding Centers. I cut out 7 aprons to stitch up for some of the volunteer cooks. Another movie night and early to bed.

Today, Auxiliodoro met me here at the Mission House at 8am to check out the food that Mary and I had prepared for transport to the Feeding Center. We picked out what was needed for today’s meal and then I dropped her and the food off at the FC. I came back to the Mission House and Mayela and I worked on getting stuff ready for our visit to Noah’s Ark Feeding Center. We ran by the copy store on the way there and then spent about an hour getting more pics of the kids. We left there in time to meet Auxiliodoro and the other volunteers at the Monte Horeb Feeding Center and to bring the box of food items not needed back to the Mission House. It was about 1:30 when Mayela and I had lunch and then we prepared for the Women’s Bible Study in the afternoon at La Quimera. We left about 3:15 for the drive out there.

We had a small class today, only 6, but it was a good class with lots of participation and fun. Martha prayed to receive Christ in her heart today. She’s been going through a process for a while and finally decided to do it. You can see Jesus shining in her face! We were all so happy!!

After the Bible Study, I drove Mayela to the Bus Terminal and then stopped at Maxi Palí for food items for tomorrow’s meals and some stuff for myself. I was waiting for about 20 minutes to get minutes on my phone. I was talking with a customer service rep and we began talking about learning other languages. Her husband speaks English pretty well and works as a Tourism guide. I told her about my friend Juan Pacheco, who has an English Academy. She knows Juan and said her husband has worked with him. Small world! I really enjoyed talking with her and it made the wait more bearable.

I ran by the video store and since I had time and the place was pretty empty (6 people would be wall to wall), I looked through every drama and action dvd they had. I bought quite a few (they are under $1.50).

I made it home by 7:30 and was starving. I was so happy to see the internet guys here! Our modem went POP when the storm came through the other night. It was a miracle for them to come so quickly! I was so happy! I ate some left over mashed potatoes and corn for dinner and grabbed a shower. After some time on facebook and posting this, I’m going to watch a video and go to bed.

The Hulsey’s get back tomorrow night. It was be good to have them back! I know they are ready to be here!

There’s lots going on in the ministry and we need all hands on deck!
God is good and I love serving Him!!!

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