Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thursday, May 2, 2012

Woke up early and did a workout video in my room before getting ready for the day. I miss my walking every morning, but time and weather don’t permit that opportunity right now. I haven’t went on 4 mile walks in forever! Oh how I miss them!

I took food to the Feeding Center at Monte Horeb then came back to the Mission House for some computer work. At 12:30pm I went back to Monte Horeb to pick up stuff after the feeding was over. It’s so hot and humid right now!

We had some trouble with the electricity going on and off in the afternoon. The problem with that is when it comes back on, it can surge. Not a good thing. So we cancelled the sewing class for the afternoon. It was so hot and humid that a person couldn’t stand to sit still at the machines anyway. Ugh

Mike and Sherry and Manuel arrived at 8pm. I know they are glad to be back in Nica! I got some studying done and watched a movie on my computer before bed. It was a good day.

Friday, May 3, 2012

I dropped food off at the Monte Horeb Feeding Center and then picked up stuff at noon again. It’s nice to get to see the ladies there, especially Auxiliodoro.

The Hulsey’s arrived at the Mission House by mid-morning. We had a meeting together to discuss schedules for the summer teams. Lesly, Mayela, German and Jeremy joined Mary, Mike, Sherry and I for the meeting. It was so nice to get info flowing.

We all went out own ways to get work done. Lunch was very tasty! Then we met again at 2pm for a meeting with all the workers, including Alberto, Saturnino, Aracelys, Lydia and the rest of us. Then just the core VOH staff met for a while. There’s lots of changes, growth and adjustments as the ministry grows and God blesses us!

Mayela and I went to do the Women’s Bible Study at Rose of Sharon church. It was a good gathering. It is so hot and humid right now that it’s miserable to sit still and miserable to move around. I’m thankful that the ladies are so faithful to come to the study. I dropped Mayela off at the Bus Terminal and then stopped off at On the Run to buy more of my favorite V8 Splash Orange/Carrot juice. Yum!

Saturday, May 4, 2012

I got up and stripped my bed to wash my sheets. Little did I know that it would be mid afternoon before I would actually make it to the washing machine! Ha

Juana’s kids came over for another sewing lesson. Francisco started making some shorts and Maria picked out a dress pattern. It took most of the day to sew up the dress, but we got it done. Maria had also made some little drawstring bags from scraps of material that I had sent home with her last week. I’ll see if anyone on the team wants to buy the bags. I’ll probably buy many myself and give as gifts. Maria is very proud that she can make something to help support her family.

The Husley’s got here before noon and Sherry made some yummy taco salad for lunch. The Hulsey’s spent some time in the pool and Mary and I relaxed a little, too. We all went to dinner at Suyapa on the beach. It was very good. I was very tired and ready to get my clean sheets back on the bed and all my clean laundry put away and hit the sack! I watched a movie and went to sleep. It was a good day.

Sunday, May 5, 2012

I was awakened by the chairs being set up under the rancho for a church service here at the Mission House. The church was doing a Baptism service in our pool. The worship music was very nice to listen to while waiting for the Hulsey’s to get here. We all went to church together at La Quimera and Pastor Brian did a good job as always. It’s a pleasure to be a part of that church and community. God blesses us by letting us participate in what he is doing there.

We stopped at On the Run for lunch. I had my favorite Monterrey chicken sandwich. We got back to the Mission House and Sherry made a chocolate cake. I rested for a bit and then took a nap. It started raining, so the Hulsey’s went home for naps, too.

Our internet was down all day and evening, so I found other things to work on. It’s nice sometimes to not be able to work. That seems to be the only way that God can get me to discipline my time to have some ‘me’ time.

I worked on my notes for the next session of Women’s Bible study. It took me until 9pm to get them all typed up in English. I still need to add the scripture in Spanish and then Estefanie is going to help me translate it into Spanish for handouts for the ladies. I watched my last episode of Castle and then went to bed. It was a good day.

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