Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday started out normal with the team leaving for worship at Rose of Sharon church in town. I love the music there, but it’s so loud that it really gives my bad ear a fit for the rest of the day. I went with Sherry to La Quimera church instead. We took some food for the Feeding Center and settled in for worship. It was raining hard and the noise of it hitting the tin roof was deafening. But they have gotten the electric fixed up and have 3 light bulbs hanging through the one room building.

Pastor Brian had and Darling were leading singing with everyone and then, since they couldn’t take the kids outside, they moved them to the front of the church to do their story and color a picture. Brian moved his pulpit to the middle to give his sermon. He started praying for God make the rain stop and asked us to join in on the prayer. Then he said we weren’t praying in faith and prayed some more. Then he said we weren’t praying in power and prayed some more. Then the rain stopped. We were all smiling! He started his sermon, but was distracted a little because the 60+ kids were loud. They decided to more the kids to the outside under a tree like usual. Once they all filed out and got under the tree, it started pouring rain and again and the kids came running back inside. It was crazy. Poor Brian was perplexed and really wanted to share his message.

A little later, 2 guys brought an injured (and drunk) young man to the church and got the attention of the man’s brother, who was in the congregation. It turns out that the young man had gotten into a drunken fight and someone stabbed him in the side of his stomach. Taking injured people to hospitals is a tricky thing here, especially for gringos to be involved. Sherry and I finally convinced Pastor Brian and his wife to let us take the injured man and his brother to the little hospital in nearby Telica. There was an old ambulance (minus lights and probably no siren either) parked there, but the clinic was mostly for consults and not for emergencies. But they were talked into seeing the injured guy. His wound wasn’t too bad and I think they believed Pastor Brian’s story about how they showed up at the church.

Sherry, Brian and I went back to the church, which was pretty much over from the confusion. We said goodbye to everyone and headed back to León. We were almost back to the city when we saw the ambulance pass us. I guess they took him to a regular hospital. It’s best if we North Americans stay out of these things, so we’ll have to ask Pastor Brian how everything turned out. Quite an interesting morning.

The team had a great time at their church and we all settled in for a yummy lunch. Then it was rest and relaxation and then an early supper and then off to worship at Todopoderoso church. I stayed home and worked on my personal Bible study for a few hours instead of going to church, even though I love going to Todopoderoso, where my Nica son (unofficial) is the son of the Sr Pastor and is the Worship Pastor. The music kills my ear and I can’t hear for the rest of the day. So I missed out on that. But I really enjoyed my time in Bible Study.

I went to bed early, feeling exceptionally tired. About 2am I woke up very nauseas and threw up. I am not a dainty vomiter, so I’m sure that the people in the next room were probably awakened too. Sorry. I dozed for another hour and got sick again. I finally dozed a little more and then just stayed awake reading.

I’ve felt yucky all day today and laid in my room reading. Bread, crackers, dry cereal and a steamed potato have been my meals today. So far so good, although I’m still queasy. I’m hoping it all goes away by tomorrow. I have so much to do to get ready to leave on Wed. I’ve asked for prayers and I know that God will heal me quickly if it’s His decision.

This morning I did run food over to the Monte Horeb Feeding Center. They now have a room with a locking door to store the food, so I won’t have to take it every day. Pastor Pedro came by this morning for his meat and produce for Noah’s Ark Feeding Center. Pastor Brian came by for his meat for the day. It’s crazy sometimes keeping up with everything, but we’re so glad to have the food to feed the children.

Mary went with the team this evening to dinner at Suyapa restaurant on the beach. I couldn’t face a real meal or even sitting upright that long. I know they are all having a great meal. I’m glad that they got to do that.

Tomorrow will be busy for me to finish tying up some loose ends and getting laundry washed and a few duds packed for my trip to Indiana. I can’t believe the time is here already.

I’m so thankful to my precious Savior for always being with me every minute of the day. And I’m glad that He helps remind me that He is. I sometimes take my focus off of Him and that’s when things get rocky. But He IS my Rock!

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