Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's been a while since my last post. I've been busy with so many projects, and I love it!!
I finished up with anything that I needed a vehicle for on Thursday of this week. Deanna came home and I returned her van to her. It sure was a blessing!

Last weekend was nice. I got to have a nice meal with Nana Ruth, do some Spanish studies, take Jet for a walk, Bible Study, work a little on computer projects, etc. Days go by so fast, and I hate to admit that my memory is not as good as it used to be, and I find myself wondering what I did on certain days just a week ago. I can usually figure it out by looking at my calendar and facebook postings. :)

I was able to communicate with John Caubble last week via facebook and email. We're trying to organize a team for Dubai to go in April. But most people I've spoken to need to wait till later in the year. We have a pretty good team possibly going in September! It was fun to talk with John. He was up eating breakfast and I was up way past my bedtime! I'm praying about getting to visit India for a week or so and then go on to Dubai for some weeks in Sept. I look forward to work beside the Woods and Caubbles and Phillips. God will have to provide some special funding for that to happen, but I know that if He plans it, He will provide for it.

I go to Nicaragua in just 2 weeks. I can't believe the time is coming up! I'll be there for 2 weeks this trip, and during that time, a group of 18 Youth and Adults from FBC Rogers will be coming down for 1 week. It's going to be a really good trip.

The chronological Bible study is really going well. I'm just loving it. It's hard to believe that God would be speaking to me so clearly about things by reading Leviticus and Numbers! The Holy Spirit is amazing in how He can get into my heart and mind.

God has given me fun opportunities to serve while here in Rogers. I love going to the Food Pantry on Mondays and Fridays, when I can get a ride. It's wonderful to spend time with Shirley and volunteers, as well as the 'guests' who come. Monday Staff meetings have been fun, as well as productive. Tuesday Bible study is great. On Wednesdays, I'm enjoying the Leadership Bible study and meeting for Cuerpo Vivo staff, Thursdays are usually for meetings. Sunday worship is lovely. I start out by watching FBCR on tv (and hopefully, soon my computer will stream it live), and then I go to Cuerpo Vivo and celebrate our Lord in Spanish. I'm truly blessed to have both church families and pastors and worship leaders to influence me on God's special day.

Last Thursday, Raleigh and Pat Lane hosted the female staff from FBCR to a lovely lunch. We rode together in one of the church vans and I drove. Karen navigated and we made it through the crazy roads of Bella Vista. Lunch was so tasty. The Lane's home is beautiful and cozy and very welcoming. The dogs were entertaining. It was a nice outing.

I stayed at the church and worked the rest of the afternoon and then stayed for the Medical Clinic. I helped with some simple translation and also was a patient myself. It was a nice night. I got the chance to interact with people and tell them about Cuerpo Vivo church, the Food Pantry and the Friday Lunches that we are starting this coming week. From being out in the 'mission field', I've come to appreciate the chances to have encounters with people, even though I may not see them again. God puts us all in places to interact. We never know when a smile or a word is all He is expecting us to give. He does all the other work. How can we not be obedient in these little things?

Friday was fun working with Shirley at the Food Pantry, then meeting with Lori and Stephanie for 'At the Table' ministry, then getting a haircut (much needed, since I chopped on it myself a few weeks ago) and then a lovely dinner at the Janes' house. Becca made yummy paninis and I way overate. Elizabeth made home-made hot fudge sauce and sundaes with raspberries. Yum! Becca and I also worked on menus for the Friday lunches. It's always so fun working with her.

Saturday, I worked 10 hours doing childcare at FBCR for the Idea Camp: Orphan Care conference. We started out with 16 four-year olds in our room. We ended up with 10 for the day. It was fun and busy. I think I got to sit down for about 30 minutes for the day. It was good exercise for me! I came home and promptly fell asleep about 7pm on the sofa. I woke up at 10:30 and went to bed. Maybe I should chase a room of four-year olds more often!

God is impressing upon me to take better care of my health. The reading of the laws in the Old Testament have given me more inclination for setting myself apart and honoring God by taking care of my body, which is His creation that He made for His purpose and work. I need to be healthy and strong so that I can give it my all. Getting and staying healthy is not for me, but for Him. I just need to keep that in my mind!

My sister Pam will have her last radiation treatment for her breast cancer on Tuesday. She's ready to be able to stay home and rest and get strong. Running to the treatment center every weekday was taking it's toll, especially in bad weather. I'm so excited for her to through this phase of the recovery. She was very happy when I talked to her today.

I'm so thankful to my Lord for loving me and letting me serve Him full-time. It's scary when looking at it through the world's eyes to live on faith for finances, but it just gives God more chances to show His sovereignty and power to take care of His own. I trust Him with all that I am.

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