Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines' Day! I'm very content today because I know that the best love of all is given to me on a daily basis. The love from my Father God! It's nice to see people showing their love, of all different types, to each other today. I'm so satisfied with the love of my Savior. I can't imagine any better love, so I don't feel I'm missing a thing in this life. My Lord gave His life for me. How wonderful is that?!

I've had a great couple of days. Last week's snow is going away. The cold temps are gone. I was blessed to be a part of the team that put together the Marriage Conference Saturday night for Cuerpo Vivo. It was truly a pleasure to work along side everyone. It was fun to see new friendships being made. The food was great and we enjoyed making the fruit bouquet centerpieces. Creative juices were flowing for decorating (especially on a budget) and the food was so delicious. The youth did a good job serving as waiters for their parents. It was a long day, but not exhausting. It was very satisfying. Three new couples have joined Cuerpo Vivo church from being invited to the evening. The conference is the kickoff for a new fellowship for the parents, who will meet on the first Friday of each month. Childcare will be provided so that the parents can enjoy each others company and also share with each other ideas to be more godly couples and parents. I'm so glad to see this ministry get started.

Speaking of Cuerpo Vivo, I am amazed to see how God is using the leadership of the church to grow the structure of the church as well as grow in numbers. The worship on Sunday was outstanding. I always enjoy Pastor Jaime's messages and I'm excited that I'm understanding more and more of the words he speaks. God is doing wonderful things through His church. I love it!

Sunday, we had another team meeting for the group going to Nicaragua in March. I'm excited to see all that God is going to do there. I'm anxious to get to know the team members better as we prepare and when we actually get on the ground there. German is ready for us to come and I feel like I'm waiting for Christmas to come! It will be soooo wonderful to see all my friends there, especially the ones who have adopted me as their NA Mami. I'm truly blessed.

Deanna is still in Las Vegas visiting Elaine's family. She is having a nice time helping to take care of Elaine's home and kids so that Elaine and Jake can enjoy some 'couple' time and also put energy into the church. I do miss Deanna, though. I know that Jet and Lucy miss her, too. The cat actually got in my lap tonight. That's how lonely she feels, because normally, she and I don't get too buddy-buddy.

Yesterday was full of blessings, wonderful time of worship at Cuerpo Vivo, lunch with the Treviño family, Nica team meeting, and then I was blessed to get to hang out with the Janes' kids while mom and dad went on a Valentine's date.

Today, we had a good staff meeting. I have to say that I'm enjoying them very much. Cliff is a great motivator and team builder. We miss Bro Wes while he is in India and Dubai, but he'll be back later this week.

After staff meeting, Jaime, Oliver and I had a very productive meeting about Cuerpo Vivo. Then I had to high-tail it home to meet Oliver's wife, Erika, so I could sit with her kids while she surprised Oliver with Valentine's dinner. The kids hadn't been here for a while and Ale was a little afraid of Jet until she remembered what a sweetie he is. We had dinner and watched some Disney channel. When Erika got here to pick them up, they wanted to stay. That makes me feel good that they like being with me. It was a nice to have them here. I think Jet enjoyed the company, too.

I fixed a quick side dish for the luncheon our small group will have after the Ladies' Bible Study tomorrow. I love the Bible Study. I'm getting so much out of it. What a blessing to have a flexible schedule that allows me to attend the study.

At the beginning of staff meeting today, Cliff had us go around the table and finish the sentence "What I love about working at FBC Rogers is..." . I said that I love the way the church allows me to serve in whatever way God calls, wherever and whenever He calls. I am blessed beyond words. I get to work with Cuerpo Vivo, local mission projects, different staff members, VOH here and in Nicaragua half of the year, etc. God is so good to me. I really appreciate how much that FBCR supports missionaries, both financially and spiritually. I feel covered in prayer and I feel very loved.

Time for me to hit the hay. It's a busy day again tomorrow and I can't wait. I love my God. I love my life. I love living for Him.

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