Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday evening and I'm chillin' with Miss Juanita. I like hanging out with her. Especially when she laughs. It's a sweet sound. We are both tired and thinking of going to bed before sundown. :)

This has been a busy and productive week. It started out as a sick day on Sunday (too much contraband over the weekend). But Monday was a full day of Food Pantry, Staff Meeting and then childcare for the Cuerpo Vivo classes in the evening.

Tuesday started out with attending Cuerpo Vivo class and then quarterly (sort of) Team Celebration for workers at FBCR and the Christian School. We had lunch out on the patio on the grounds of the new church. It was a nice fall day.

On Wednesday, I picked up the 4 oldest Janes kids and put them to work at the Olive Street church building. We worked on cleaning out a resource closet and helping to get some items ready for Trunk or Treat later in this month. We moved many hymnals, Bibles, coffeepots, office supplies and other items out of some of the classrooms. I think Matthew's favorite job was to ride on the cart. They worked hard and our 'pay' was lunch at Schlotzkys. It was yummy! Then I dropped them off at the new park for a play date.

Thursday morning, Shirley and granddaughter met me for another hard work shift of cleaning out some more of the classrooms. It's amazing how much stuff is left in these rooms. It's taking lots of hours of work, but it is worth it to get it all cleaned out and spruced up for the realtor to show the building.

This morning, Shirley and Elizabeth and I worked very diligently on cleaning out and organizing the small kitchen. We moved many cartloads of stuff to a staging area for a 'yard sale' later this month. It felt so good to have that little kitchen all ship-shape. It worked out great to have Sam there at the Food Pantry to cover that while we worked on the 'stuff'. I did a little computer work, and then left about 2pm very tired. I actually went home and took a nap before coming over to Miss Juanita's house.

One of my exciting things this week was to be able to get my eye exam and order my much needed new glasses. My sitting money added up to covering the cost and I was so excited to get them ordered! I should be receiving them next Wednesday. yay!

Deanna's son was sick this week, so I took a few shifts of getting Mel to and from school and gathering groceries for the family. It was fun. I'm glad that I can fill in for Deanna when she is away. I can't wait till she gets back, though. I sure miss her.

Jet is tired of me running around and leaving him alone so much. He was sleeping by the front door this morning and he followed me around everywhere while I was getting ready for the day. I thought he was going to get in the shower with me for a minute there! ha I'll get to spend most of tomorrow afternoon and evening with him, so hopefully he will be happy. The cat doesn't seem to mind as long as there is fresh litter and catfood. I do need to clean the filter for the fish pond tomorrow and they will undoubtedly be happier with me, too.

God has been so wonderful to me. I appreciate all His blessings. Even the hard times. That's when I grow closer to Him. I am so happy and thankful to be able to live this life that He has given me. To work with so many different people on many different projects. He makes my life full.

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