Sunday, February 17, 2013

January 26-27, 2013

Saturday morning I woke up and started washing some of the ‘toxic’ laundry that the remote team had donated for us. This stuff was NASTY!! Mud and other substances caked on clothes and shoes, stuffed in plastic trash bags and setting for a few days until it got back to civilization and the washing machine. Yuk! I can only say that I was glad that I only had to wash it and not be the ones who had to wear it up on that mountain!!! It took 3 wash cycles to get clean. Whew!

I made some phone calls, wrote some emails, read a book, practiced guitar and started a very boring movie (now I know why it was only $5 at Walmart).

Saturdays are my day to catch up on anything that requires a lot of concentration and quiet. I know it’s working on what most people would consider a day off, but I love what I do and I love getting to do certain things on these quiet Saturdays.

Sunday morning I watched FBCR on-line. Loved it. I took an early nap and then spend most of the day on the computer. I had lots of communication to work on for the VBS portion of the upcoming team, communication with a few teams coming in March and October, personal business, etc.

Buster went for a late afternoon swim with me. He’s the weirdest dog!! He got tired of dog-paddling around, so he swam up to me and crawled up on my should for a rest. Lol

It was a good day. I love that I get to live here. God has blessed me greatly.

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