Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weather in the 50's and 60's. Running around without a coat on in January. Just a week after minus 0 nights. crazy

My cold is finally gone and I'm feeling good! I started back to walking at the Adult Wellness Center. I'm going Saturday to have a trainer put me on a workout program with the machines. I need to get in shape for the mission trip to Nicaragua in March. That's my short-term goal. Then there's summer and so on... My first choice in walking is to walk outside in the fresh air. But I do like to walk at the Wellness Center when it's too cold or nasty outside. I enjoy seeing people from church there.

I was working on some email maintenence today and was reminiscing about friends from many states that God has blessed me with. Sometimes we get so busy getting from day to day that we need times of reflection to really appreciate moments.

I've had a good week so far. Good Spanish class and Bible Study, a couple of productive meetings, lunches with some friends, friends over for a Pampered Chef party, and it's only Wednesday! A couple more lunches, a few more meetings, a lot more hours on the computer in the quiet of my den, workouts, and studying. I love my life!

There are so many things to be praying about concerning Haiti. So many people dead and missing and hurt and homeless. I went on a junior high mission trip there in the early 70's and I remember how poor the people were during regular circumstances. I just can't imagine the devestation and chaos and feeling of hopelessness. God can and will be exalted and honored through this wild time. People will look to Him for comfort and answers. Christians and non-believers alike will be drawn to respond to help. Not only will be people be comforted, but Christians will be able to minister to the hurting and to the lost volunteers as well. So many layers of God at work.

A few doctors from FBCR are going to help next week, along with one of our pastors and some people I know from Central Baptist in Jonesboro. It's wonderful to see doctors sacrificing time away from their practices to travel to a very unsafe place to work in tandem with other medical personnel. My respect and prayers go with them. This will be a long, difficult journey involving many people. There is a lot of prayer coverage needed. Our God is bigger than all of this and He is worthy of praise for His sovereignty, no matter the circumstances.

Jet went to the groomer's today. It's not his favorite thing by a long shot! When he gets close to the door to the grooming area, he hits the deck! All four feet go out from under him and he hugs the floor with his belly. He doesn't enjoy baths and especially doesn't like to have his paws trimmed and nails clipped. It's quite tramatic for him and he is always very tired when he gets home. He was so glad to see Deanna and me walk in. He's such a gentleman in all circumstances and his balking wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't so big and heavy. But he smells sweet now and he's soft and shiny and is getting lots and lots of hugs and scratching tonight.

I want my spirit to be shiny and clean and fresh and sweet. I need to spend more time in the Word to allow my life to be filled with God's sweet grace. I want my heart to feel clean and renewed and refreshed. I need to quit balking at the things that take time and energy and discipline and I need to be willing to commit to what God asks of me so that I can be the person He is constantly creating me to be.

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