Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

People are thawing out now. It was in the 40's today. Quite a heat wave after the single digit highs of last week. Having the sun shine always makes the day better even when it's cold.

I worked from home Thursday, Friday and Saturday and got so much done. It's so quiet that I get focused and time flies by. I love having my new printer. Just $25 on Black Friday. It was worth getting up early and the scar on my foot from the display. :)

I started studying the Isaiah Precept Bible Study this week. It's going to be really good. I especially love the discussion time we have each week. Tomorrow is day 1. Can't wait!

I finished the book by Francis Chan, Crazy Love. It was really convicting and challenging. It encourages being simply and totally sold out for God. I love being able to live a life that is more stripped from a lot of the 'worldly' things and just plain simple.

I finally got to see pics of my new great-nephew, Colten. He's a cutie! I heard him squeaking in the background while talking to my sister on the phone today. I was told that he doesn't know his nights from days yet. But I think it's a conspiracy by all babies just to show Mama who is boss. I sent him some cute little socks today. I wish I could hold him.

Our staff meeting today covered calendar events through October. There's a lot that goes on in the church. It was interesting when we got to the months that we will probably be moving equipment to the new building. I haven't been to the new building for a tour yet, but I hear the construction is coming along nicely. The way time flies, we'll be moved over there before we know it.

Kids went back to school today after being out an extra week due to the bad weather last week. I know they will regret that extension come June when there's an extra week of school. Judging from Facebook posts, it looked like some mothers were ready for the kids to get back to school. I think cabin-fever was hitting everyone.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the people that lived on the streets in nyc while I was living there. Even if they had a bed to sleep in at night, a lot of them spent their days on the streets or going between day shelters. I remember some days being really cold and I would think about not getting out to serve at the shelters and soup kitchens. But then I thought about those people who were spending hours every day in the weather and I was quickly humbled and on my way out the door. I pray that I never get too complacent that I think a little discomfort for me is a big deal. I pray that God will keep those people in real need on my mind and in my prayers. I also pray for God to show me ways to serve these people in His plan. And I'm so thankful when He does.

There are so many ways to touch someone else's life. I just want to be open enough to sense God leading me to 'who' and 'how' He plans for me to share Him. Please pray that for me. (and for yourself, too)

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