Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

It's June!! Wow, May just flew by! But, at the same time, a lot has happened. How does God keep track of it all? If that's not proof of His omnipotence, I don't know what is!

Thursday night's Medical Clinic was a joy to visit. The volunteers are doing such a great work. It is running very well and I had a blast talking with people. I'm thankful that it is available to those who need it.

Friday was a good day of working on files, setting up email files, etc. It was nice to work in my cozy office and listen to praise music and be productive. I got to eat lunch on the patio of my favorite local health food restaurant, run a few errands, including a visit to the Women's Shelter Thrift Store. I found a couple of bargains for my office desk and a cute blouse. I also ran into a friend and had a quick chat.

I was a dinner guest of my friends, the Harrymans. We had yummy baked fish and veggies, and fruit. It was really good. Colton was such a cutie. I just love his little giggle. Kesha and I got to have a nice long talk about serving as missionaries, transitioning back 'home', the perspective on life in general, the hunger to be back on the 'field', and serving wherever we are. Full time service is such a blessing. I really enjoyed our talk.

Saturday was a fun day. I went to the wedding of Justin and Megan Ford. It was a great wedding. I loved their special, personal touches on everything. Their vows were beautiful and so honoring to each other and to God. It was a lot of fun. After the wedding, I put a microwave cart together for Nana Ruth, which took over 2 hours, even with great instructions. That thing is very sturdy and isn't going anywhere, even in a tornado! There was only 1 piece left over (a tiny screw) and it was truly an 'extra'. I was proud of the hard work. Nana Ruth is happy with it and her kitchen looks so cute with the newest addition. (I got to inherit the old piece of furniture and make it into a little bookshelf for my office - yay!). We fixed dinner and watch 'Marley and Me'. (I had to leave the room during the sad part, but I loved the movie!)

Sunday was an AWESOME day! We had worship outside on the 'property' under a huge tent with over 1,000 in attendance. The praise team did an awesome job of leading a mixture of music. The sun was awesome and God provided a nice breeze. After worship, there was a groundbreaking ceremony, which was cool. Then many people stayed to have a picnic on the grounds and have some fun with games. What a beautiful time. I left in just enough time to make it to a piano/violin recital, in which some kids I know were performing (good job Janes kids and Crafton kids!). What a joy to watch them! It made me so proud, and I'm not even related!! Later, Nana Ruth and I went out for an early dinner and then home to watch 'Australia'. It was a very good movie, but very long. Glad I was lying on a sofa instead of at the cinema!

Today was another productive day of meeting with people involved in various ministries sponsored by FBCR. I love hearing all about what they are doing, seeing how I may be of help, praying with them and praising God for His provision. Shirley McGimpsey and I met to discuss the Food Pantry that will be getting underway really soon. It's going to be great! I also had the chance to visit with CH, an awesome young man, about his mission to Togo, Africa for the summer. How exciting! This week looks to be pretty busy with more meetings and information gathering and celebrating God's work.

I got my suitcases packed up and ready to move from Nana Ruth's to Deanna's, where I'll be living for a while. I won't know what to do with 2 rooms and a bathroom - all for little old me! Deanna's pets seem to accept that I'll be hanging out there. It will be nice to not live out of suitcases after the last 3 weeks of being a gypsy! I will miss being so close to the church (I can walk from Nana Ruth's) and I'll stop over here for lunch a lot, and of course, to visit Nana Ruth and go to dinner sometimes. I'll still see Nana Ruth every day, so it's not sad to be moving to Deanna's. I'm so thankful to both wonderful friends for taking me in!

Mrs. Christy, my previous neighbor when I lived here in these apartments, came over for a little visit this evening. I love hearing her voice and enjoying her wit. She is so precious to me and was there for me over the years when I needed a care giver. She has blessed me so much.

Now it's time to hit the bed. I have been really tired lately and am trying to listen to my body and be a good steward of my health. It's hard when my head keeps saying go go go, there's so much to do and I'm so excited to be involved. But alas, it's another chance to show obedience to God's will. He knows the timing of every venture and He knows the limit of my energy. I'm thankful to have Him to watch over me. I am truly blessed (and I'm finding much JOY in serving).

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