Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009

It's Thursday. I have been in Rogers over a week now! Where has this past week gone??? It flew by. I have had the chance to get so much accomplished and to have many meetings with people to see where God is taking us in this new season of serving.

Monday was a holiday and I felt strange not pushing and pushing to get things done. But I ended up allowing God to lead in my activities (He closed a few doors) and got some nice rest, had lunch with Nana Ruth, found a clearance chair for my office (yay) and spent time on communication (phone, email and facebook).

Tuesday, Wednesday and today have been full of meeting with people. I love this part of my 'job'. My office is pretty much set up. I decided to put some things I had in my nyc apartment in the office, instead of just leaving them in boxes. It's simple and cozy. It reminds me of working from the apartment the last 6 months I was in nyc. I have a visitor's chair for guests and my special tea chest (a gift from a dear friend) filled with various flavors of tea. Just ready for people to stop in for a meeting, prayer or just to chat. (If you are familiar with FBC Rogers facility, I am located off of the game room at the ROC) Feel free to stop in and say hi. Of course, I'm out of the office quite a bit as I meet with people in places that are most convenient to them. But when I'm in, I hope you find my digs hospitable.

I got my hair cut today at lunch. It was amazing that I got there in about 5 minutes. It took me 1 hour and 2 buses to get across town to Allison in nyc. I said a little prayer for Allison today as I thought of her. Sweet memories. Anyway, Carolyn and I had a great time of chatting and getting to know one another. And I love the way she did my hair. Short, simple, no fuss. ahhh.

This evening is the Medical Clinic here at the church. I'm going to stop by for a while. I have missed all the volunteers a lot while I was gone. It's hard to believe that it's been going for all these years. God has really blessed us with the opportunity to touch the lives of the people who call upon the clinic. I'm so thankful for the dedicated volunteers who come to work there. God uses all kinds of opportunities. Sometimes big and flashy. Sometimes small and simple. He knows best which circumstance needs to be in place for which people. It's all important and all essential to His work when He is the one in control.

I've had a few days of yucky health. My liver is trying to rebel, but it's not going to keep me down!! I'm praying about which doctor to start seeing since I'm back in Rogers. Also, I picked up a few more healthy (natural and organic) foods today. I've been really physically tired this week and I think it's all related to my liver. I'm just taking it easy and going to bed early. (maybe my body is in shock from the early bedtime!!) I do appreciate your prayers as I continue to learn how to take care of this carcass. :)

I've been in touch with people from nyc. I love being able to email, text and facebook them. It's like I'm still there sometimes. I have caught myself thinking about going to a restaurant or shop or juice place or something and then remembering that I don't live there. I'll figure it all out one of these days. (of course, about the time I figure anything out, the rapture will happen and I won't have to keep track of where I live any longer! woohoo!)

Well, better scoot over to the Medical Clinic and lend a hand.
More people to see! yay!!


  1. yay for the medical clinic! wish there was something like that around here i could volunteer with. :) just read thru these updates. sounds like things are going well and God is blessing. :) i'm excited for you! i know mom's looking forward to seeing you at church sunday!

  2. Vickie - Praise Him

    Thank you for lifting up the name of Jesus
    Thank you for your service.

    Saw your blog on Blogger under missionaries
    and shared a little part of your world.
    Just so happens I was born in
    Manhattan Hospital.

    Seems you're having a blessed time
    serving our Lord where ever you are.

    Lot's of challenges and adventures
    I'm sure..

    Adventure is a favorite word.

    Websters - A Bold undertaking,
    where hazards are to be encountered,
    and the outcome is based on unforeseen events.
    A unique experience in one's own personal history.
    Often of a romantic nature.

    Sounds like Jesus to me.
    Missionaries and adventure.
    Can you have one without the other.

    Thought this complimentary
    e-book and website
    might be a benefit to you
    and those you serve
    at the clinic.

    God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
    The Book  ✧  The Posters  ✧  The Words

    An Absolutely Free E-Book and Website.
    A Totally Free Download At:

    Lots of 8x10 wall posters
    proclaiming The Word of God.
    Great for decorating kids rooms
    and hospital rooms
    and class rooms
    and clinic walls

    Two Free E-Books and stuff about Jesus
    collected over the years.

    If you read "Love is Rising" in
    God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
    let me know what you think.

    It's for folks dealing with a broken heart
    and sickness and dis...ease
    caused by a broken heart.
    They're not able to love and accept themselves
    as Christ loves and accepts them.

    Most think that they have to be both
    The Potter and the clay.


    Be blessed and be a blessing.

    A. Amos Love -
