Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 14-20, 2013

I got up early to help set up for church service. We were going to have some extra people since we were bussing in from two of our church plants. I found out that morning that Pastor Bryan was going to preach and doing some baptisms. I also found out that morning that German and the Hulseys were going to be gone. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off at first trying to catch up on the things that needed to be handled. It wasn’t a problem, but I would have liked to have planned for it. ☺ We had 7 baptisms and it was great. I posted pics and videos of the service on facebook. It was very nice to see some of the people from our church plants. I miss them! I had a nap and a swim in the afternoon and then practiced guitar and watched a video. Another lovely day!

Monday I walked to Central Park and exchanged some money from my friend Luis, then visited my friends Javier and MariaTeresa at their souvenir stand. On the walk back I stopped and chatted with Delmy at the copier place, said hi to the painter friend and then stopped to buy some produce from Angie and Glenda at the mercadito. Pastor Eddy picked up the copies for the Monte Horeb Women’s Bible Study. I called my accountants to check on my tax preparation. They are filing an extension and I’ll visit them in May when I’m in AR. I’m not in any hurry to pay the taxes, but it will be interesting to find out if it is worth me itemizing my taxes. Of course, I have to factor in the accountant’s fee, too! I taught the Women’s Bible Study Leadership Training class and the English Bible Study Group. We had a great discussion in the EBSG class. They always challenge me and I enjoy them so much! I watched a video and then headed to bed.

Tuesday I walked downtown and stopped at the mercadito on the way home. I got the chance to chat a little bit with Mike and with Sherry. Freddy came for my Spanish tutoring session. After lunch, I worked on some correspondence and then rested just a little bit before helping to set up for church. We had a good service and I watched a video before bed. Nothing too earth shattering in my schedule!

Wednesday I skipped my walk. I was very tired. I think the combination of long days on Monday and Tuesday makes Wednesday morning a sleep in day! At least until 6:30!! Jaasiel and Mayela helped me sort and organize the sewing ministry stuff. I worked on sending out emails and letters to the feeding center sponsors for a few hours. We moved my little fridge to Mary’s room. She’ll be borrowing it for the summer to keep her Pepsi’s in. After lunch I worked on Bible Study stuff and then Mayela and I walked around downtown and had an early dinner at the Chinese restaurant. I took a taxi home and enjoyed meeting the taxi driver. I had a message from another missionary here in Nica asking about when I was traveling to MGA to fly to the states. He needed a ride to the airport, too, but our departure dates were different. I practiced guitar and then watched a video. It was a nice day, even though I felt guilty about not walking in the morning.

Thursday I walked to Central Park again and saw Luis, Delmy, Angie and Glenda on my way. I only picked up a few things at the mercadito. I Freddy to cancel Spanish tutoring so that I could get some other work done. I spent hours sending out more letters and emails to the feeding center sponsors. I had a swim and then practiced guitar and watched a video before bed.

Friday was another walk to Central Park, where I exchanged some money with Luis and then bought some gifts for the states from my friend’s souvenir stand. We had a good English Bible Study Group session. I love all of the students so much! I worked on my April receipts so that I could have them done before I head to the states. I chatted with Sherry a bit and then rested. The heat is so bad it just zaps you before you even know it. I practiced guitar (will my fingers ever get tough enough not to hurt???), watched some news on the internet and then a video. It was a good day.

Saturday morning I was getting ready to go walking when German knocked on my door and asked if I would ride with him and Edmundo to Managua to run some errands. I said sure and hurried up and got ready. My stomach was a little iffy, so I took some ginger tablets for the ride. I don’t like long car rides because of getting motion sickness. Sure enough, by the time we were in Managua, I was very sick at my stomach. We stopped at PriceSmart first to pick up some meds from a nearby pharmacy. Being out of the moving vehicle helped a lot. It just takes a while for my body to calm down. By the time we had walked around PriceSmart I was feeling much better. It was funny watching German shopping (like a little old woman). Edmundo pushed the cart and I picked up a few things. Since I’m leaving for the states in a few weeks, I didn’t want to buy a lot of stuff. German said he would help me out by eating some of the stuff. Haha We picked up some stuff for the pool maintenance and then had lunch at one of the malls. When we got back to the van, I opted to ride on the second seat so that I could sleep. I knew I would be sick if I didn’t. I was yucky before we left Managua, but luckily slept most of the way to León. When we got to the mission house, I laid down on my bed. Buster jumped up there with me, even though he knows that he is not allowed. I was so nauseous that I didn’t even want to sit upright to make him get down, so he took a nap with me. After my nap, I felt much better and started some laundry and went for a swim. Then I went to bed early!

All in all, it was a good week. I love teaching my classes. What a blessing! I love getting to walk and see things and run into people I know on the streets and buy fresh produce. I know that a lot of people would hate my life, but I love it!

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