Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday evening and I'm sitting in the recliner with my feet up and reflecting on the past week. It has been really good week. Working with the Youth for Mission Rogers week has been great. The kids were hard workers and had great attitudes. They did everything asked of them. They didn't complain. They were upbeat. They worked well together. They prayed for each other and for the people we served this week. It was a true pleasure to serve with them.

We really made an impact on the church building. We cleaned places that don't get much attention, but we sure could see the difference. They kids actually asked to continue cleaning the stairwells today to complete the job themselves. They were using their own toothbrushes to get into the grooves. They spent hours this week digging deep to get that dirt out. They took special pride in a job well done for their church building. Hopefully, they will remember how to clean this well when they are at home! ha. I can use the pictures I took of them working as blackmail to show their parents that they really do know how to get the job done. :)

I received a letter and a few emails and phone calls from agencies where we worked thanking us and telling us what a positive experience it was for our Youth to be there. That is music to my ears! We don't do this work for our own satisfaction or to receive praise. We do it to shine Christ's light and be an example to others. Getting responses from the people we touch just shows us that we were being obedient and sharing Him. What a privilege for us to serve in His name.

Now that Mission Rogers is over, I will spend the next week getting ready to spend 6 weeks in Nicaragua. It's sinking in that I will actually be gone for a month and a half. I have much to do in the next 7 days. Besides getting all my clothes and meds and necesities together, I need to get my room ready for guests if needed and also clean up the car so I can return it to the wonderful familiy who have loaned it to me this past year. I know this week will fly by. I'm excited about getting to be in Nic for so long. It will be hot, humid, rainy, dirty, buggy and... AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see the interpreters again and Miss Mary and the Spiegels and the Pastors that Voice of Hope works with. I can't wait to see who God leads to Himself through our sharing. I can't wait to see God at work in this special place.

It's just Deanna and me (and Jet the dog and Lucy the cat) tonight, since the grandkids are at their other grandparents' house. It's quiet and we're back to our normal evening of watching tv together, me with the laptop and Deanna with her book. Jet in his favorite spot beside Deanna's chair and who knows where the cat is hanging out... It's a restful evening to recoup from a busy week. Thank you Lord for all the blessings you shower on me.

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