Sunday, June 15, 2014

May 30-June 7, 2014

Well, two of the workers finished up their careers with my house. Lol.  May 30 is Mother’s Day here in Nica, so Memo and his son Kevin worked a half day and then took off for the last time.  They have been working quite a bit on the house over the last few months.  I spent the rest of that day being from babysitting the house and went down town to the bank, grabbed a smoothie and walked through a few stores for fun, and even got a haircut, just because I could.  What freedom! 

 Bible Study classes are going strong.  Also, there have been lots of visitors and meeting new people.  I love living in the central part of town. 

Having the new-used washing machine is so wonderful.  I’ve been enjoying doing laundry like never before!

One day, a few of us girls went to Managua for the day.  I bought some items for organizing the sewing workroom and a few last light fixtures and stuff for the house.  We had a yummy lunch and then walked through some upscale stores at a mall.  We stopped at PriceSmart and I loaded up on some food and household items.  I was feeling horrible with a headcold, but did not want to pass up the trip to get these things.  It was a very productive day and I was thankful.

I started on antibiotics for the head junk and felt horrible all the rest of the week.  I still was teaching classes and organizing the sewing room and wishing that I could have a ‘sick day’ to rest and get well.  But I was thankful for all that God was allowing me to do. 

My friend Sandy brought over the curtains that she had made for the office.  They look lovely and I love being in that room now!  Can’t wait to get it more organized, too!

I finished sewing the kitchen curtains on Saturday and got them hung up.  They really made the kitchen look great.  I was celebrating the last of the curtain sewing!  Now on to making tablecloths and bedcovers!  Lol  I think all in all, I’ve purchased about 140 yards of fabric!  Lots of windows, tables and beds around here!

Wil and his son Dilan finished up their work on Saturday and I was so excited!  The back patio area is where we hang clothes to dry.  It’s about 12’x12’.  Wil poured a concrete floor.  This will not only make the surface even and safer to walk on, it will keep the dirt from washing into the drains that run underneath the house.  That’s a big deal during raining season!  There are planter areas along two of the walls.  Before covering up the dirt in the middle of the patio, Wil dug out a lot of the good dirt for the planters and filled in the hole with rocks.  It was nice not to waste the good dirt for planting.  Sofia is looking forward to planting some flowers back there.  I’m excited to get the walls painted and then have some youth paint a mural on the back wall.  I can’t wait!

English classes are gathering steam, Bible study classes are growing and the sewing classes will start next week.  It’s been an awesome 4 months of progress.  I’m so thankful to God for the opportunity and the vision and the provision and guidance for the ministry.  He is faithful!!!

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