Wednesday, August 14, 2013

July 21-27, 2013 Eastside & Trinity

This week and next will be kind of strange in that we have a team from Trinity BC coming to serve half of this week with Eastside BC and half of next week with Bethel BC. It has really made the time go by fast, since instead of 7 days of normal schedule, everything changes after about 4 days and then again after 4 days, etc. It’s fun though. It does make it hard to remember who is on what team, however!

Mary’s daughter Teresa is here with the Trinity team. I know that Mary loves having her here. They look like twins and you rarely see one without the other following along. It’s very cute! Teresa is so sweet. I’m so glad to get to know her better.

We did the usual church service visits with teams. I know that the VOH church plants have loved having the teams come every week to share testimonies and messages.

Overall, this week the team did 6 church services, 9 fiestas, 1 conference, 4 feeding center visits and saw 464 people accept Christ. A couple of the team members stayed back for part of a day with illness, but were fine after a short while. The heat can take a toll on a body quickly.

I spent some quality time with the interns and we ate out a couple of times. I did a lot of emails and worked many hours on the feeding center sponsor tracking reports. I also got some time alone walking downtown and getting a haircut. It was a good week.

Everyone is getting tired as we have week after week. But it’s all good. We are happy to serve.

God has been talking to me in many ways and through many people. Some don’t even know that He is working through them at the time. He is faithful!

I’m excited to see what all He has planned for me in the near and far future. I love serving Him!!!

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