Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
A special day to celebrate love. The best love relationship in the world is the one between a person and Jesus Christ. I love being 'single' by worldly standards so that I can concentrate on my relationship with Him. But I still don't give Him all the attention, respect, love and adoration that He deserves. It's a relationship worth devoting myself to.

Monday was a great day. Busy, but good. It started out with Spanish class, which was challenging. We're down to about 5-6 people who have kept up with the lessons and are trying hard to keep progressing in the language. We're moving the classes to FBCR. This will be better logistically and we may get some practical experience by being near the Food Pantry, if they need some rookie interpreters. :)

Errands, lunch, Staff meeting and working out took up the rest of the day. The evening was a nice time with the kids while their parents were in the Cuerpo Vivo Leadership Class. We had 15 this time, but it went much smoother with another adult helping. Yadira is great and has a history of teaching kids, and we had a Valentine's project, games, snack and ended with quizzing Ms Vickie on Spanish words. The kids had great fun trying to stump me. And they were very encouraging, too. Needless to say, I was very tired by day's end.

Tuesday I spent the day on the computer at home. The roads were a little icy and school was out, so I declared a 'weather day' for myself. I missed the Cuerpo Vivo Leadership class that I attend on Tuesday morning and also didn't get to work out, but I accomplished a ton of work.

Since I missed a day of workout, I made it up over the next 2 days. (note to self - don't miss a day again!)

Wednesday, I met with John Caubble for our 'weekly' status update. We haven't met in a month due to his traveling and such. It was also our monthly Staff update/prayer meeting. Afterwards, I took my 4 year old friend, Matthew out for lunch. He was cashing in his Christmas gift certificate from me. His choice was Schlotsky's. It was pretty tasty. Matthew is a fun date.

I'm having to make sure that I stop in at home off and on through the day so that I can let the dog out. I know he's missing Deanna. He stays pretty close to me and follows me from room to room. He's a sweetie. It makes me wish that I followed God with that much yearning for closeness each day...

Thursday was filled with a haircut, running errands for a home-bound friend, working out, working from home, then dropping off some items at the Christian Women's Job Corp and hanging out at the Medical Clinic that evening. I get to see lots of people in my work and enjoy that very much.

Friday I worked at the church in the morning getting stuff ready for Sunday for Cuerpo Vivo and hanging out at the Food Pantry in case I was needed. I then got to help Mrs. Pauline stuff the bulletins for FBCR for Sunday. I always enjoy subbing for the regulars on that job. It's fun to catch up with what's going on in their circles. Another workout, more errands and then home to fire up the computer in the evening.

Saturday was an exceptional day. I started out by babysitting for the Janes family so that Mom and Dad could go out for a Valentine's breakfast. I got to spend some quality time with sweet little Phillip. Matthew and Miriam woke up early and we started in on coloring a huge project I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It's a cardboard replica of The Great Wall of China. It's even bigger than I thought. It will be a nice, on-going project for the whole family and any friends who come over. We had to wake up the other 2 kids to get ready for watching Aunt Debbie take the "Polar Bear Plunge". I came home for a nap, laundry and more work on the computer. Then I finished the day with more babysitting, this time at my house with the Martinez kids. We had a great time. Ana even spent time listening to me read Spanish children's books. She said I was doing pretty well. That's big praise coming from her. :) Jet was a perfect host to the little ones.

Service this morning at Cuerpo Vivo was really good. We usually set up the chairs in rows of 10, but felt moved to set up rows of 12 today. We had many new visitors and were glad to have the extra chairs. Part of my duties on Sunday morning is to visit each classroom to see if they need anything and to count the people. I love looking in on the kids. They are paying such good attention to the lessons. The adults who take turns teaching them are very devoted and are good teachers. I'm getting more used to finishing up between 2 and 2:30 each Sunday. Today I got to stop in for the 90th birthday party for Ms Belva Easley. That was a nice treat for me.

I treated myself to a Valentine's lunch at Smokin' Joe's today. It was yummy! Jet and LucyAlice and I took a late afternoon nap. I've spent the evening on the computer taking care of some emails and then posting this, so I haven't spent any time this evening on Spanish review. Class tomorrow could be intense! I hope I dream in Spanish tonight!!

God is keeping me very busy and I love not being tied down to regular office hours. I love being more physically active. I'm still enjoying the ease of getting around town compared to the logistical challenges of living in nyc. But I don't want to get too soft. My heart is still to be 'in the field' serving where things aren't too comfortable. I thank God for this time of healing and rest and training of all kinds. I love living everyday in His service. And I truly appreciate all those who make it possible for me to live this 'calling' rather than having to have a 'regular' job.

Time for bed and some Spanish dreams!

1 comment:

  1. I get tired just reading about all your activities! You are a wonder woman and I love you! Maybe one day I'll be able to keep up!
